Thursday, April 12, 2012


It is essential to remember that ONLY the mind can create. Implicit in this is the FACT that the source of all CAUSE occurs at the THOUGHT level. The being is already perfect, and therefore does not require correction. The body is merely a vehicle for the mind. This vehicle is subject ONLY to effect of which the MIND is the CAUSE. The BODY was created for us to facilitate the CREATIVE expression of life force. It can only facilitate creation but can never affect cause of any sort independently of the mind.

ONLY our mind is capable of TRANSMITTING love and truth. Our BEING is already love and truth. Our body, the vehicle, is merely an instrument which serves our mind. Our mind can transmit the love and truth of our BEING through our vehicle only after it becomes accountable as the sole CAUSE of ALL action it commands our vehicles in taking.

Corrective learning always begins with the awareness of our unconscious creation, and turning away from our self defeating belief system. This usually entails fear of what we had created in the separation from the fundamental principles of our BEING. Very often we become afraid of what our new awareness discloses. At first, this correct perception of our unconscious creation produces extreme discomfort. We must have faith that this discomfort is only a beginning of our reunification process. It is NOT the final outcome.

Discomfort is aroused only to bring the NEED for REUNIFICATION forcibly into our awareness. What the unconscious eye sees is NOT truth, nor will it ever become truth except within our confined mind. As long as we believe what our confined mind tells us, ALL our actions will remain in subconscious support of our own self defeating personal narrative. This devotion must be surrendered to proceed with the reunification. Our new awareness and subsequent discomfort compels us to do just that.

The fear of reunification arises, in the end, from our own unwillingness to accept the facts of our self imposed condition. These FACTS are not our TRUTH. They are only bi products. It does not matter what the external cause of our unconscious mindset may have been in the past. This mindset, in the present moment is the cause and our unconscious support and subsequent suffering are the effect. Quite often we remain unwilling to take full responsibility for what we have done to OURSELVES. As long as we remain obstenently in support of our unconscious creation, our fundamental needs will remain unfulfilled. Acceptance of responsibility begins with our surrender. A mind that remains invested in its own struggle will never be free.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Releasing The Glitch of Unconscious Creation and Connecting to GPS (Greater Power than Self)

This is my first ever video outlining some of the basic information in the Creative Collective Aliiance's "The Fundamental Principles Of Being" Guidebook #1. I speak about the difference between conscious and unconscious creation, neutral self will, the "MINI ME" built on trauma and self defeating beliefs, difference between instinct mind and rational mind, Intuition and Instinct etc..

Friday, March 23, 2012


You will always attract people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish it or not. If your personal philosophy is one of self defeating beliefs built upon a foundation of fear and trauma then this will attract to you those who share this same philosophy.

The law of attraction dwells on skid row as it does in the mountain top temples of Tibet. This being true, can you not see the importance of vitalizing your mind with a definite chief aim that will attract to you people who will help you fulfill your most cherished desires?

before such people show up you MUST become unhindered yourself.

Suppose your definite chief aim is far removed from your position in life. What of it? It your obligation to honor the necessary nourishment of your creative nature. You owe it to yourself and the community in which you live to affect cause which is positive and inspiring to others.


These needs will never meet themselves and they will surely not be realized through unconscious creation and instinctual protection of a beast of figmentation that dwells inside your subconscious. This beast is the remnants of a deceased dream left behind by those who did not have a choice.


This monster you have accepted as a FACT of your existence has grown out of the subconscious mind of generation after generation. Will you simply accept their lies as your truth?

How could you now?

By surrendering this internal beast of broken dreams and calloused hearts you can plant a new dream in your subconscious and allow your being to guide you along a path that is true. Your definite chief aim contains the seeds out of which your hidden desires you will awaken to a world that will respond in kind. They will respond to you as if you were a beautiful butterfly as it releases itself from the cocoon. You are not the Caterpillar. you have lived the life a Caterpillar must endure to transform into the butterfly of conscious creation.




Can we, as individually wrapped pieces of this cosmic sized puzzle of consciousness harmonize our individual motivations with these creative powers much greater our own? Or will we remain at odds with this energy that is working on our behalf. This creative power that governs the expression of life force and creative evolution are embodied in the fundamental principles of our being. They are the laws or forces at work beneath this very artificial device we call civilization.

We have built our cities out of natures resources. We have harnessed our own creative powers in harmony with these materials of nature and constructed our modern world. All of these “MATERIALS” of which our structures are comprised are also ruled by the fundamental principles of life force expression. We have no control over life force and how it decides to shape and mold our physical world to better suit its desire to express itself.

At the moment this creative power is not being expressed through us very adequately. We have become inadequate vehicles of life force expression. We were born to express and create. When we align our will with the creative hand of our being, beautiful miracles take place. This cannot be emphasized enough. We have experienced it in our own life. Our members have aligned themselves with this creative power and it's sheer power and love has transformed our lives in ways that words cannot express. You have to accept the fact that the being within you is that very same power. It is love and has the means at its disposal to take all your pain and guilt and turn it into an internal goldmine of peace and joy.

This is inner alchemy.

Its practical and it does not require a down payment. There are no credit check and the feeling it produces within us is unmatched by all the wealth and material validation our that currently strangles our culture in slow suicide.

We drive ourselves into the grave trying to reproduce the feeling we lost long ago. This feeling is nothing more than safety and comfort within our own skin. It is creative expression which is free of fear or self doubt. It is brotherly love akin to tears. It is the power of your being and it dwells within you right now, as it always has. You need only surrender your illusions and it will let its presence be felt. It will use you in ways that will invoke your very own tears of joy. The world will seem new, fresh and unmolested. This is not a sales pitch or a golden carrot which looms in the distant future in exchange for misery NOW. It will never demand your obedience for eternal bliss at the end of a tortured life long grind ending in heartbreak.

Just as skid row is a state of mind long before it ever becomes a physical location, heaven is on earth and is deep within your being and it has waited patiently for you to come home. These fundamental principles of our being work as best they could within the confines of this existence we have trapped ourselves inside of.

Lifetimes have passed us by without rhyme or reason. In our hindsight we have witnessed the man made change of our BELIEF SELF'S own seasons. There has been a slow incubation and steady demise of a conscious contact with a power greater than ourselves which is evident in the social structure that we currently endure.

If we were to include love and truth in our creation then it would feel totally different. Our world has manifested as a direct result of our fear driven actions that are self-serving in nature. The unnatural has become a reactionary reflex of instinct mind and all that it embodies. This reality that we have built is not the end result of a collective consciousness that is connected to the love and truth of our being within.

We have the ability to hide true happiness from ourselves. We tell ourselves lies while attempting to convince ourselves that we are not liars. and look at this world that our unconscious minds have created without the loving guidance of our being within. This is our empire of nothing.

It is easy to keep our belief self insulated inside a material womb while attempting to convince ourselves that this womb is a suitable substitution to true love. We have lived in extreme denial and become addicted to fear and pain that we ourselves create. We obsess over things that will feed our belief self because as long as it is fed then it knows that we won’t have any time left to connect to our being.

So why is it that everything tangible always has the potential to leave us feeling empty on the inside? Will there ever be enough of “stuff” to make us feel complete? The tangibility of the material realm often maintains our perception of the love and truth being completely intangible.

The material realm will keep us busy and distracted but will it ever give us peace? Our physical and material obsessions are a direct reflection of our disconnection from the love and truth of our being within. We have run from its love and truth as fast we could. On our own self-imposed mental treadmill we have been chased by our belief self and its incessant demands. Our instinct mind pushes us along at a blistering pace just so we do not have time to remember who we actually are. We are created out of truth and love. Truth and love is literally within our own being but we remain too self obsessed to see it.

So the time has finally arrived. we have pushed the limits of this emperor inside our minds. We have slaved through the centuries and traumatized each other into a coma of consciousness which only has one way out. The only way to emancipate yourself from this wrought iron cage of unconsciousness is to surrender. To trade in this vehicle of destruction for your very own instrument of love and truth. The cage is a beast of fragmentation created with your own mind. YOU obey the master YOU have made. Have you had enough? Will you waste yet another lifetime trying to prove your self defeating beliefs right? Or will you take the key of conscious love and truth embodied within your being and set yourself free? The choice, in this moment, as in all others since the beginning of time is yours. Only you can turn the key and only with the help of your being within, a power greater than all that you have created in its absence.



Thursday, March 22, 2012


Were you even aware you had such beliefs?

To fully understand the scope of this question I had to first define the words aware and alert. One of the hallmarks of instinct mode is alertness. The instinct mind controls our fight or flight mechanism. Lets take a look:

Aware: Watchful, mindful, conscious of; poss knowledge of;sensible.

Alert: vigilent or on the look out for.

There you have it. When in instinct mode I am on the look out for any threat or danger. When I am consciously connected my being I am mindful, sensible and conscious of my thoughts and actions and the effects they have on my external world.

So, I would have to admit that I was not aware of my self defeating beliefs for a really long time. I was so busy unconsciously on the look out for any threat to my belief self that I was not conscious. Awareness literally means to be conscious. To be conscious I have to be hooked up to my GPS. Otherwise I remain confined by the beast of instinct... I have started a new practice. When I feel threatened in a moment when no observable danger is present I am grateful because this is in fact a sign that I am sharing a real and loving partnership with another.

If it did not pop up then I would be within my Unconscious Character's comfort zone which does nothing for me. My Unconscious Characters comfort zone is the familiar pain and misery of self defeating belief identification. Eventually, as I reset my subconscious and continue to consciously connect to my being I can trust this instinct alertness more but at the moment the feelings it produces, when not observable danger is happening in my present moment, are not FACTS. They are residual psychic pollution of my trauma and negative suggestions I keep in my subconsciousness.  

The billion dollar question is not whether you will be abandoned or hurt in the future but if you have unconsciously abandoned your conscious connection to the only power that will ever be able to complete you IN THE PAST. If you have then you shall always believe that others will do the same. And what we believe we attract and what we attract we are. Even if we are not aware of this FACT.




Do you believe you could control you unconscious support and validation of of self defeating beliefs without a power greater than your self?

If I believe that this is possible then I might want to go back and really honestly answer the step one questions again. First off there is nothing to control. If I find myself trying to control anything I have slipped back into instinct mode. This control does not have to be of some outside situation. It could be my own emotional state.

Remember that your natural resting state is neutrality. You as the “I” or self has a will. It can align its will with instinct or being.

For you emotional based folks out there, your feelings will be the true indicator of where you have aligned your will. These feelings will never be an indicator of the true facts alone. Sometimes your feelings will be right on the bulls eye but other times they will only be evidence that you have forgotten who and what you truly are.

The being does not try to control anything. That is why it will let you take all the self defeating actions you want. This is not because the being and the ultimate powers of love and truth that it is a part of don't care. They love us unconditionally. They allow us to fall as many times as we please. They allow us the dignity of our own experience.

Now contrast this with our instinct mind. They could not be any different. The instinct minds only job in life is to protect and sustain a physical body so the being and self have chances to love and express life force between one another. The instincts allow the being and the love and truth it embodies to be unconditional. You get the picture.

Now trying to control my self defeating beliefs sounds awful and impossible. It sounds very much like trying to manage my life with the same part of my mind which is responsible for my unmanageablity. It sounds and feels like instincts out of control. Trauma is the reason for sting of the self defeating beliefs reasons. These reasons are sometimes plausible and even rational. For example:

You could be in a new relationship with someone who you care for very much. You might actually love this person in a very real way which is very scary to another part of you which has trouble seeing clearly. that part of you is the unconscious belief self that feeds itself from your subconscious.

Love is not scary. It is actually quite healing and wonderful. What is scary are all the times in the past when you may have believed you were in love but were actually just in obsession or fixing you feelings and using another person to feel better. This is what the belief self does. It PRODUCES feelings of love. It uses others to achieve this and in the end it crashes to earth. When these short lived flights of fancy end the same pain and hopelessness comes rushing back that was always there except in the fleeting moments when this belief self was able to PRODUCE a feeling of love.

Do you see that it will do this just so later you can tell yourself that love hurts so don't even try? It is not love but rather your unconscious support of what you believe that has always hurt. So back to this new opportunity in the form of a relationship. I have discovered that OBSERVABLE ACTION is the road map to determining the truth. Maybe your head is saying stuff like this:

We are not capable



That he will sabotage this through self destructive actions just like he has shared with me about his past. He did it before so why would this be any different?




Its irresponsible to let my daughter like him or me to like him the way that I do.





This is all just fantasy and practically speaking, we don't work.





My mind tells me I'm not equipped for this.


And that friendship is the only way to proceed.


It says this is not a safe place


This is a way to determine the origin of your overwhelming feelings. I may need reassurance from time to time and you reunify with being. Over time you will be able to distinguish true from the false evidence that the belief self is always unconsciously creating to get you back in its control. Remember that the being will never control but rather guide you. The belief self will always try to control because it always feels unsafe.



In what areas do you have faith today? How is faith different than hope?

In what areas do you have faith today? How is faith different than hope?

I Have faith, or rather trust and reliance, in the fundamental principles embodied in my being within me. I have faith that it can afford me a consistent power of conscious expression through my words and actions. I have faith that my being can intuitively guide me through my moments and help me respond to situations where I once could only react. I have faith that my being, which is the ultimate power of love and truth that has created the organic genius i see all around me, including my physical body, can flow through me and help me in meeting my most fundamental needs such as love, intimacy, safety, comfort and creative expression.

Hope is a desired expectation while faith is trust and reliance. Hope, to me, does not imply action. Hope is expecting something to happen later as opposed to trusting in conscious co operative effort working in harmony with my being NOW to realize what I desire. Hope is like faith without works. Faith is trust and reliance in the actions and work I do to manifest my wants and needs. I have faith in the fundamental principles of conscious creation embodied in my being. I do not have faith in my self defeating beliefs which I have unconsciously supported. I have no faith that my belief self could be of any service to me in meeting those very same needs. When I am unconscious I am always HOPING or EXPECTING something in the future to make me feel better. Hope is a set up. The BELIEF SELF hopes because it lacks faith because it is separated from love and truth and in fear. while the SELF consciously connected to being has faith in that being, a real power greater than it.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Other Books Available by The Creative Collective Alliance

I keep telling myself lies while attempting to convince myself that I am not a liar. I live to serve a master who doesn’t even exist. And look at the world that I have allowed my master to build without my permission. Welcome to my empire of nothing.

There is nothing more dangerous than a liar who believes his deceptions of self and builds his life around them as if they were truth.

Up here the streets below look like our own circulatory system. The different neighborhoods seem more like arteries that are linked as one by a complex maze of passageways. The cars on the faster streets blend together. I really can’t tell where one stops and the next one begins. They are moving in a measured precession that gives the illusion of blood flowing through the veins of a city.

You might as well stop yourself from trying
Because there is nothing left to do
Take cover my fabled sons of goodnight
Wash yourselves up against the shore
Extend a hand to your own unreciprocated demands
And walk a hard line into the sun

STEP TWO – “We became conscious of the FACT that we hold within us, a power greater than our self defeating” beliefs"


“We became conscious of the FACT that we hold within us, a power greater than our self defeating” beliefs"

This infinite creative consciousness we call life force is expressed on earth through our physical bodies which we call vehicles. Having bodies, we as humans have been afforded a wonderful instrument to express this creative power in an individualized and subjective manor.

Our vehicles will always carry out the evolution of life force expression. But will this evolution be expressed consciously or unconsciously? Will we be dragged, kicking and screaming along our evolutionary path? Or will we allow this life force to express itself through our vehicles without resistance? Either way, we are evolving and things are changing.

Can we, as individually wrapped pieces of this cosmic sized puzzle of consciousness harmonize our individual motivations with these creative powers much greater than our own? Or will we remain at odds with this energy that is working on our behalf. This creative power that governs the expression of life force and creative evolution are embodied in the fundamental principles of our being. They are the laws or forces at work beneath this very artificial device we call modern civilization.

We have built our cities out of natures resources. We have harnessed our own creative powers in harmony with these materials of nature and constructed our modern world. All of these “MATERIALS” of which our physical structures are made from are also ruled by the fundamental principles of life force expression. We have no control over life force and how it decides to shape and mold our physical world to better suit its desire to express itself.

In the present moment this creative power is not being expressed through us very adequately. We have become inadequate vehicles of life force expression. Make sense? Our own instinctively protected system of self defeating beliefs that we harbor in our minds is hampering the expression of life force. The trauma we have inflicted upon each other has created a tumor in our minds we call the belief self. It is full of fear and feeds off the psychic pollution that our subconscious has gathered along our journey. In an attempt to help you understand this most un-natural bi-product of our own evolution lets ponder our own technological marvel, the personal computer:

A personal computer becomes phased out every few years. Its hardware and components become too slow and cannot meet the basic requirements that we, as an ever evolving consciousness require. Once our needs have surpassed these machines ability to serve them, they become obsolete.

The operating system crashes too much.

The processor is too slow.

There is not enough memory nor resolution in the images it projects on its screen.

It becomes very inefficient and eventually becomes obsolete.

It meets this fate when it is not longer ADEQUATE in meeting our needs as a vehicle for our life force to be expressed through.

Much life these dated machines, We too are being phased out for another type of vehicle that can adequately express life force in ways that we cannot. There is a very simple reason for this place that we collectively find ourselves smack dab in the middle of.

Our instinctual mind, which is governed by our bodies senses, is part of natures design. This component of our whole being helps us, as human beings, protect and sustain our ability to express life force in the physical form. In other words, we have a body, which we liken to a vehicle which transports our being and its conscious creative intelligence through life on earth.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Congratulations... You just did the first step to the best of your ability. We have found it very helpful to take some time afterward and retreat in quiet meditation. We recommend that you HAND WRITE two letters. One to your being and the other to you subconscious mind. We have included our own letters that we would like to share with you here. 

The first letter should be to your subconscious mind formally releasing yourself from its unconscious care and instinctual protection. Please note that you are not asking for this but rather demanding that this happen. The letter to the subconscious or instinct mind must be firm. You are giving it commands and at the same time implanting your new intentions. This is how this mind operates. Its like DOS in a computer program or a horse your training. You must be firm to set this command or intention into action. It will obey and submit to the being if you tell it to. 

The second letter is a formal acknowledgment that you would like to form a relationship with your being within and become guided by its fundamental principles of love and truth. In becoming conscious of your life and the limitations you have unconsciously placed upon it and yourself it is important that you make a formal introduction to your being and ask that it work through you as its instrument of conscious creation. in communicating with your being you must speak to it with love and compassion. It only acknowledges LOVE. It does not understand submission or control. It is a loving guide that is happy to help us in meeting our most cherished needs for love, intimacy and creative expression. If you ask you will receive for love can only transmit or receive. 
Here are my letters:


I acknowledge that I have unconsciously created limitations and conditions in the form of self defeating beliefs within my mind over the course of my life. I demand that my subconscious mind cease, at once, any and all identification with these unconscious creations as well as its powerful emotional attachments to them. I thank my instinct mind for its service in protecting what I had unconsciously created. I acknowledge that THIS IS NOT who I am and there is nothing to fear nor protect moving forward. They do not exist except within my own mind and any further attempts to protect, in any way, that which limits my ability to remain consciously connected to my own being are not welcome nor desired. I invite my being and demand my subconscious mind to harmonize their individual motivations and work together in a spirit of organized effort and mutual aid. I formally surrender all support of my self defeating beliefs and subconscious limitations at once and place myself FIRMLY in the care of my being and its fundamental principles of love and truth from this point forward. 


I am formally writing this letter to acknowledge your presence within me. I have surrendered AT ONCE what I have unconsciously created as well as my powerful emotional attachments to them. I have surrender my unconscious CONCEPTION of self, others and life that I have supported over the course of my life and place them ALL in your care. I surrender all that I THINK I know about myself, life, others and especially you in this moment so that I may have a NEW EXPERIENCE with them all.  Please aid me in the reconciliation of all unconscious attachments which I still possess that hamper my ability to consciously love and create. It is my DESIRE to become have a totally new experience as your instrument of conscious creative expression. I ask that you become my loving guide and the primary motivation behind all my thoughts and actions. Please afford me a conscious connection to the ultimate powers of love and truth and creatively collaborate with me as your WILLING and LOVING instrument of life force expression. Please GUIDE me in fulfilling my most fundamental needs for intimacy, love, safety, comfort and creative expression.


I surrender to you being, my self defeating beliefs and all the manifestations of those beliefs. I surrender to you being, all my attachments, all my ideas about what I can and can not do, knowing and trusting that all you know is love and unbound possibility. I surrender to you being, my view of myself and of the world, realizing it is all an illusion I created out of fear. I surrender being, open and willing to see the world through your eyes. Eyes of love, forgiveness, compassion, and unlimited hope. I surrender to you being, my fears, my past hurts and limitations. With you, all things are possible. With you, I am reborn, free to make new and create myself and my world again. I surrender to you being..this day, my beliefs, my view. Create with me. Come forth inside me and lead the way. Today, this moment, I choose to love through you. Love, work, rest, and play through you.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Step Three – We surrendered instinctual control of our will and aligned it with the fundamental principles of our BEING

Step Three –

We surrendered instinctual control of our will and aligned it with the fundamental principles of our BEING

All human beings have a subjective will which we call SELF WILL. SELF WILL is neutral. It is not positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong. We look at SELF WILL as an subjective creative instrument we use to affect cause.

As we have already covered in STEP TWO, All CAUSE has an EFFECT. All aspects of our personal human experience are directly effected by our own creative will. Our relationships, jobs, health, and possessions are all physical manifestations of our thoughts and actions.

Our thoughts and actions are the CAUSE and the life and relationships we experience are the EFFECT. This is an inescapable fundamental law of life force expression.

Most of us do not fully accept responsibility for our EFFECT because we are not CONSCIOUS of the FACT that we ourselves are the CAUSE. The days of blaming anything outside our selves for our own pain and misery are OVER. This is all our doing... The great news is that it can all be our undoing as well. What has been learned can be unlearned. What has been created can also be recreated. But this recreation requires us to become conscious in order to TRUE.

If we remain unconscious we will simply recreate the same pain and misery again and again. This is not the sort of recreation any of us desire. We find this sort of recreation to be nothing more than living our lives in unconscious resentment. The word resentment finds its root in the Latin word sentire which literally means "to feel.". In resentment we literally re-feel. In order to feel something from the past it must be recreated in the present.

By recreating we can relive our past traumas over and over. We relive these traumas through supporting our self defeating beliefs and resent what we have created unconsciously. This unconscious resentment is projected upon people, places and things that comprise our subjective human experience. We have attracted all these unwanted elements of our subjective human experience to us because they mirror the conditions which exist within our own mind.

In order to consciously create the life we desire we must be connected to that part of our mind which can sustain conscious creation. The rational mind is our bridge to conscious creative power just as our instinct mind is a bridge to unconscious creative power. Instinctual creative power is finite and reactive. It tends to project fear while the conscious creative power of our being transmits love. Let me make this even more clear for you. Unconscious creation is controlled by instincts and fear driven. Conscious creation is guided by being and transmits love.




Wednesday, March 14, 2012

“We admitted that we had unconsciously created a self defeating belief system which has limited our ability to consciously create a life we desire”

***STEP ONE***

“We admitted that we had unconsciously created a self defeating belief system which has limited our ability to consciously create a life we desire”

We are born into this world to create. Every singe one of us is endowed with this most natural inclination. Our creative nature is always alive and at work from our very first breath right up to our last. As instruments of creation, we can either transmit love or project fear. Creation in and of itself is beyond the man made realms of GOOD and BAD. This creative ability that we all possess can either be constructive or destructive.

Creation, we have learned through our own experience, finds its mode of expression along either CONSCIOUS or UNCONSCIOUS lines.

Consciously, creativity can be harnessed into a powerful instrument for our being to affect cause of a positive and inspired nature. Unconsciously, it can become a powerfully destructive waste of life force expression. Creativity, just like knowledge, becomes life affirming or self defeating through its application.

Our own being, comprised of the fundamental principles and laws that govern the working of our physical universe, is CONSCIOUSNESS. It is a logical extension of the creative consciousness responsible for the organic genius of all life. Mother nature herself is a reflection of this conscious creative power at work.

The organic genius of man originates in this infinite creative consciousness embodied in our being. Having bodies, we as humans have been afforded a wonderful instrument to express this conscious creative power of the universe in an individualized and subjective manor. Our subjective experience as a logical extension of this infinite creative consciousness can only be realized if we are consciously connected to its power ourselves.

Our instinctual mind, which is governed by our bodies senses, is part of natures design. This component of our whole being helps us, as human beings, protect and sustain our own subjective extension of infinite creative consciousness as it moves through life in physical form. In other words, we have a body, which we liken to a vehicle which transports our being and its conscious creative intelligence through life on earth. Living life on earth, inside a body governed by senses and protected by instincts can become something far removed from its intended design.

When in balance, we are consciously connected to our being within. In this conscious state our being can utilize our individual vehicle as a loving and powerful instrument of creative expression. In this balanced and consciously connected state we have the awareness and ability to meet our most fundamental needs for love, intimacy and creative expression.

On occasion, as we move through life in our vehicle (BODY), we may encounter some sort of threat in the MOMENT which requires our instinct mind to become activated to protect our body from danger. If a car was about to run over our child or our house was on fire and we had to get that very same child and our selves to safety then our instinct mind would activate and do whatever it had to do to get our vehicle, as well as the vehicle of those we love to safely, thus preserving our physical life.

Once out of immediate and real danger our instinct mind would subside back into its supporting role and our conscious connection to our being would be re-established. We would then move forward on our journey through life fulfilling our intended purpose as conscious instruments of creative expression. This process describes the natural function and intended relationship between our instinct mind and being.

In those moments of real and immediate danger when our instinctual mind becomes activated we become in fact unconscious. Just like a zebra that runs for its life as a lion chases close behind thinks of nothing else but protecting its body from certain death, we too think of nothing else but our own survival.

When the instinct mind becomes activated it actually overrides our emotional and rational mind. In our present design, we do not have any control over this function. Once we are in instinct mode we are not rational. The fear pumps adrenaline through our mind and we fight or flee from the danger just like the zebra described above. These traumatic moments of instinctual activation and reaction to danger take priority over our primary purpose as loving instruments of conscious creative expression. The reason for this is obvious, If the vehicle is destroyed then there will be no further opportunities for life force to be creatively expressed through it. It must sustain its physical life before it can facilitate its ideal and intended purpose.

Obviously we are not zebras on the plains of Africa that are always a misstep away from certain death. Most of us do not fight for our lives. We do not even hunt for our food or build our own shelter as the harsh elements of winter loom over our heads.

We, at this phase of our organic evolution have become tamed.

We have become consciously connected to the laws or principles of infinite intelligence embodied in our being and have satisfied our primary instinctual needs. Through our conscious connection to creative intelligence we have been able to organize our knowledge to the extent necessary to realize power sufficient to sustain our vehicles individually and collectively. We have afforded ourselves the opportunity to be of optimal use as conscious and loving instruments of creative expression. If this is the case, then why do we feel so dis empowered? Why do we still drive ourselves through life reacting to the most silly situations as if they were a matter of life or death?

Why do we sabotage intimacy and love as it they were evil demons to be avoided at all cost? Why do we unconsciously create stories about ourselves and those around us which limit our beings ability to express its love and truth through us? Why do these stories that we feed our selves have powerful emotional attachments to self defeating beliefs that we create about ourselves, our ability, others and life? Why are we not even conscious of these beliefs that place destructive and negative conditions on our ability to carry out our intended purpose here on earth?

If we are in no immediate danger then why do so many of us remain unconscious? Why do we unconsciously recreate sad and painful situations for ourselves and then blame these unconscious creations on other unconscious people or worse yet, the reality we all support and protect with our unconscious minds.

There is a logical explanation for this most peculiar position we now find ourselves in. This involves a lethal mixture of imagination, suggestion and trauma. We have imagination which is the most vital and precious tool used by the creative consciousness of our being to express itself through us as its instrument.

The faculty of IMAGINATION that we all possess is not embodied within the fundamental principles of our being. Imagination is a TOOL that our being utilizes to bring its creative manifestations to life. We have imagination which can take in all that our senses perceive and blend and combine this sensory stimuli into useful and beautiful expressions of life force expression. In order to do this our imagination must work in harmony with our being.

Our being can structure and organize this sensory stimuli exactly like it gives the very same structure and organization to knowledge. Once knowledge becomes organized it can be harnessed to yield real power and affect cause of the highest order. Our being organizes the images of our imagination in the same manor that affords us an opportunity to create equally powerful creative manifestations in the physical realm.

When we organize both knowledge and imagination together we become as close to the infinite creative consciousness as possible in human form.

When we as individuals are not consciously connected to our being but rather unconsciously controlled by our instinctual mind then we will use our faculty of imagination to create fear driven distortions and projections. A MIND IN FEAR IS STILL CREATIVE. A mind in fear still has the use of imagination. Any horror movie ever made is an example of imagination being harnessed by our instinctual mind rather than our conscious rational mind. Just like those scenes we see on the big screen will illustrate, a PERCEIVED threat of immediate danger will activate our instinct mind just as effectively as a REAL threat. Remember this last statement because this is the exact mode in which unconscious creation limits and distorts the life you create as well.

Anybody alive has experienced a moment of trauma sufficient to activate our instinct mind to protect us from whatever immediate threat we were encountering in that moment. We call these moments of traumatic contact SOURCE POINTS. The modes of trauma transference could be physical, emotional, mental or a combination of any of these together. In these source moments, usually when we are very young, our instinct mind becomes activated and disconnect for the conscious creative powers of our being. In these moments we enlist the aid of our imagination to try to make sense of that moment of trauma. We create stories about what happened and form powerful emotional attachments to these stories and mental images. Eventually, as our instinct mind subsides, we are able to re establish a conscious connection to our being and set forth to fulfill our primary purpose as loving instruments of life force expression.

These traumatic source points usually involve words and force. These words such as “You stupid no good so of a bitch” or “Your useless and always in my way” are suggestions. These suggestions alone are usually accepted as fact by kids who are both open and receptive to the world around them. There is no one standing next to them in these moments to tell them that they are not useless, stupid or anything of the sort. There is nobody standing next to them who is consciously connected to their being to show them that they are very useful and intelligent and that the person who just suggested these destructive words to them was unconscious and only projecting what they believe about themselves onto them.

Stay tuned... Much more to come.

The Fundamental Principles of Being by Robert Gray Gallagher
Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 10, 2012



We have taken special care to make sure the information in this guidebook is easily understood by all who will read it. The material and concepts described in the following sections must be grasped firmly as FACTS of a SELF imposed condition that you, the reader, is faced with whether you are consciously aware of it or not. This being said, we have spared literary prose in hopes of conveying to you our own personal experience with self defeating beliefs and their harmful effects on our ability to meet our most fundamental needs.

We request that you become willing to lay your conception of who and what you are aside. We ask that you become WILLING to set aside everything you think you know and OPEN your MIND and HEART to the information we are about to share with you. 

The suggested plan of action outlined in this guide book may be quite  disorienting at first. You may experience feelings of hopelessness, anger, fear, bewilderment and loss. You may feel empty and experience huge emotional shifts. These are all normal responses to the work. You are not alone.

The effects of this work are dramatic and immediate. This book is a living guide designed to manifest powerful trans formative energies within you. These energies begin to operate on your behalf and literally reset your mind to a place of neutrality. We make no claims nor promises to the exact effects that you, as an individual, will realize as a result of the work. The only guarantee we make is that you will get out of it exactly what you put into it. This last statement rings true about life in general but in the work outlined for you here, it is the LAW. 

Our motivation behind the creation of this material was to develop a structured plan of action which would serve us in our deep seeded desire to meet our most fundamental needs for love, intimacy and creative expression. The first three steps of our suggested plan of action outlined in this book are designed to clear away all self imposed limitations that you, the participant, have placed upon your living experience as a human being.

This is the first of four working guidebooks. The purpose of each guidebook is specific and of equal importance. Right now we strongly urge you to remain focused solely on this book. Do not concern yourself with anything else. Do not rush through the work or trick yourself into thinking that this is something to be accomplished. The “GET IT DONE” mindset is of no value here.

You should also be aware of a prolonged procrastination to engaging this work. This is not procrastination but rather resistance which in this case equals DEATH. This resistance originates in your own mind, and specifically, in the exact belief system you support to your own detriment.

Just accept the FACT that there is a part of you, which you created unconsciously, which is the true cause of all pain and suffering you experience in your life. It is literally a glitch and it must be released in order to EVER really change your life and meet your most fundamental needs. We call this Glitch the BELIEF SELF and it could best be likened to your shadow self or the EGO. 

This BELIEF SELF is defective and built upon trauma, fear and false beliefs which are self defeating in nature. As you proceed through this first guide book you must have compassion for your belief self. It is very much like a hurt and wounded child. It was created in moments of traumatic interaction with others who were unconscious of their own self defeating character and beliefs. It is not who you are just like it was not who they were either. There is nothing to hide and nothing to feel guilt or shame over. these are TOTALLY USELESS feelings which will only hamper your progress. 

You will quickly learn that you are a power greater than this BELIEF SELF. This greater power lies within your own being. It is very practical and accessible. It does not understand GOOD or BAD. It is beyond the man made realms of RIGHT and WRONG. It is nothing more than a logical extension of the fundamental laws of love and truth. It is a power which will structure your thoughts into organized knowledge which will NOT fail to empower you in a very positive and life affirming way. 

This guidebook will very clearly begin to facilitate within you, a profound understanding of the true CAUSE of all negative effect in your life. This cause is not the external addictions you distract and control your emotional state with. It is not a person, place or thing. It is your BELIEF SELF built upon a self defeating belief system that it protects as if it were your only child.

This "child" you have created in your mind is not qualified to be your guide. It is actually very fearful and resentful of this role it was never supposed to fill. It will be very grateful to be relived of its duties as your unfit guide. As this BELIEF SELF and its beliefs are surrendered, Your self can reunify with your being and begin to harmonize your thoughts and actions. Out of this harmonious reunion will manifest a new character built upon the fundamental principles of love and truth rather than trauma and beliefs which are self defeating in nature. This is as practical as it could be. You only need to cultivate an open mind, willingness and honesty to begin. 

Finally, this is a one and done deal. Upon reunification, all distortions and inner confliction will be dissolved to the extent that you would have to set forth to re create a new BELIEF SELF unconsciously in order to suffer further effect. This being said, it is not something you work at your whole life. It is a correction sufficient to bring forth a permanent shift in consciousness. This character comprised of beliefs which are self defeating will cease to be. We do not have any intention of trying to limit its liability through the removal of its defects of character. We kill the snake by cutting off its head through the total surrender of this misguided glitch of BELIEF SELF.

It is a defect. It is the queen bee and all the defects are merely the queens bees which protect her. Trying to release this glitch through systematic destruction of its defects of character is like trying to kill that very same snake by working its way up to the head by slicing off tiny sections of its tail.... little by little. It would be like having the exterminator come to remove the hive and leaving the queen behind... Within a short period of time the hive would be as strong as ever and possibly even more cunning baffling and powerful than before.

It has been our personal experience that upon completing this work, you will have liberated yourself from the bondage of your BELIEF SELF You have a new relationship with your being within. You will have new vision and ability to navigate through life in ways you never thought were possible. You will know what is of real importance to you and what is merely a distraction. What you do upon completion of this course is totally up to you. This will only help those who have a willingness to help themselves NOW. This will ONLY serve those who are willing to serve others. It can only aid you in the discovery of your personal truth if you are willing to surrender what they believe to be true.

Much in the same manor that Bill W, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous or napoleon Hill, the author of the Law of Success were not medical professionals nor experts of psychology, neither is the author of this guidebook. He created this suggested plan of action in the laboratory of his own personal experience. The questions outlined in this guide book are the culmination of over 20 years of personal experience and practical application in his own life.

There have been millions among us who have applied the well known principles of recovery outlined in all traditional 12 step self help programs such as AA and NA as well as SLAA and OA. There are as many 12 step programs are there are glitches in the human condition of which we all perceive ourselves as suffering from. This guidebook is nothing more than a logical progression extending to the cause of all these conditions which we have discovered to be nothing more than the EFFECT of an all encompassing underlying issue.

As members of these 12 step programs already in practice will attest, they have recovered from their specific addiction or to be more accurate, they have sustained prolonged periods of abstinence from the most obvious and destructive manifestation of their underlying condition . Once this addictive condition in its most debilitating form has been arrested, those in recovery are afforded an opportunity to examine their underlying conflictions and distortions.

Many program members probe deep enough to address the true cause of their issues while others simply remain abstinent from their mechanism of choice. We think it is important to understand that physical abstinence from engaging in ones most blatant addiction is indeed a huge step for humanity that until the 1930's had little or no answer to this devastating condition.

To quote AA's Big Book, yes, “They have solved the drink problem” but what about the Think problem which we have found to be the chief catalyst for any and all self defeating behavior humans engage in? What drives us to seek external distraction and relief in the first place? What was our underlying emotional state of being like long before the first binge, drink, pill, roll of the dice or shopping spree?

What did we believe about ourselves and the world that we lived in? It is at this point that motivation plays a huge part in determining the outcome of our actions and this holds true for those who seek escape as well as those who are in recovery and focus on length of abstinence and material progress as their chief motivators.

This guidebook embodies positive elements of many successful programs and life affirming philosophies which are practically applied to a person’s core belief system. This process works deeper to challenge the false which has been accepted as truth and is working subconsciously, usually in a self defeating manor. Our intense approach carries the depth and weight that people long for. It gives anyone the much needed tools for success that they would never give themselves.

Our primary aim is to facilitate a permanent shift or correction followed by gradual growth through maintaining a conscious connection to our being, creative action and mutual aid.
Whenever we don’t feel worthy of a good life it is because we believe there is no love in the life we live. We can easily become lost and not find our way out of the reality that our fear driven belief system has unconsciously created.

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved



So, What is a self defeating belief? First off, let us define the word BELIEF which is a mental attitude of acceptance toward a SUGGESTION without full intellectual knowledge required to guarantee its truth.

Within the definition of BELIEF the word SUGGESTION is the key to understanding the full scope of a self defeating belief and its all encompassing effect. Suggestion has two different, equally effective modes of transmission.

SUGGESTION is defined as the process whereby the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive individual leads to the acceptance of that idea.

AUTOSUGGESTION is the process of suggestion in which AN INDIVIDUAL consciously or unconsciously attempts to supply the means of influencing his OWN behavior and beliefs.

In other words, we are influenced by the suggestions of others as well as the suggestions we tell ourselves. Any and all ideas find lodgment in the human mind only after much repetition. Over time and repetition, either type of suggestion WILL formulate fixed ideas we BELIEVE to be true. We have discovered through our own experience that the dominating thoughts of our mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward physical action and verbal communication, and transform themselves into physical reality. Our thoughts create our reality, our beliefs limit our perceived abilities and our fears project our thoughts and beliefs deep into the minds of all we come in contact with. 


A Self Defeating Belief is a SELF accepted identification to any negative SUGGESTION which limits and conditions our BEINGS ability to receive and transmit love and truth. 
What is a self defeating belief? How does a self defeating belief effect us? Does a self defeating belief have the POWER to limit our range of experiences? Well, lets take a look at LACKING which is a widely supported self defeating belief.

Lack is defined as deficiency or absence of something needed. If there is a fundamental belief in a deficiency or absence of something NEEDED which permeates the human organism then we will think this FALSE BELIEF into existence.

On a global level, this belief in lacking would not exist if we did not support it with our minds. If we all support a fundamental belief that WE as individuals are LACKING or missing something "Necessary" then we will rape our planet and each other in pursuit of its validation. 

None of us BELIEVE we have enough of what we need. But what is it that is truly needed? In order to HONESTLY answer this question we have to first discover what is missing. 

If we already KNEW we were enough and also KNEW there was ENOUGH then we would simply BE. If we believe WE are not enough and that THERE is not enough then we will NEED something outside ourselves to be complete. 
In the United States the PURSUIT of happiness is a far cry for its actual attainment. Amidst our societies fear driven obsession to CHASE WHAT MATTERS, the founding members of this program have found that what truly matters, the SAFETY and COMFORT of our own BEING, which cannot be reproduced by the wheels of industry nor obscured by the machines of war.
We have innate creative faculties which must find adequate outlets for expression for the necessary nourishment of our creative nature. Without positive ways in which to express these energies we will continue to create world wars and diseases which turn the wheels of of industry but for the benefit of who? 


We have discovered that the only thing we are truly lacking is LOVE. The concept of LOVE, much like GOD, has been distorted and molested by our fear driven state of mind. 
There are many beliefs we my have about ourselves that limit our power to achieve the sort of life that really matters to us. Every belief we maintain is another limiting condition we have placed on our human experience.
Lets take a look at LOVE. We have all heard the expression "Unconditional Love" before but what exactly is unconditional love? To understand we must first define the word CONDITION.
A Condition is a restricting, limiting or modifying circumstance. Therefore unconditional simply means not limited by restricting, limiting or modifying circumstances.

Any belief that we uphold in our mind is in FACT a condition we have placed upon our ability to love. If we BELIEVE we are not worthy of love we must ask ourselves why this is so? Is it LOVE or is it our BELIEF that we are unworthy that has placed limitation and restriction on our experience?

For now we pose one question to the reader: Are you aligned with your "BEING" which transmits love or your " BELIEF SELF" which places CONDITIONS on love by upholding ITS OWN DEFEATING BELIEF that it is unworthy? 
As instruments of creation, we can either transmit love or project fear. Creation in and of itself is beyond the man made realms of GOOD and BAD. Creation, we have learned through our own experience, finds its mode of expression along either conscious or unconscious lines. It is what we believe about ourselves, people and the external environment that determines this state of mind.

The GOOD COP/BAD COP scenario is playing out within the confines of our own mind. We have the devil sitting on one shoulder as an example of BAD and Jesus sitting on the other as an example of GOOD.

It is in the misapplication of ones subjective knowledge that ANY and ALL suffering takes place. If the countless others did not resolve to prove or disprove their BELIEF in WHATEVER then hundreds of millions more lives would have died a natural death. 

In the end, of what value is a life lived under the artificial Vail of right and wrong? What power does anyone have who subscribes to this line of reasoning truly have at their disposal? Is this fear driven waste of life force expression not the very foundation of every life that comes to a sad and familiar end? What value did this fruitless support of a BELIEF in good and bad bear in lives of those who have died before us? Will we just follow in their DISTORTED and conflicted footsteps? 

Do we really believe that we not capable of doing anything else? 

Can you as an INDIVIDUAL rise above the murky quicksand of YOUR own beliefs and help others who are willing to do the same? Or will you expend you precious gift of life trying to change the minds of those too invested in their own beliefs and obstinately remain too blind to see? 

Avoid at all costs BECOMING or REMAINING the sort of individual that forces their own confusion on others. This is MISERY of THE HIGHEST ORDER. 

Will you wait for the consent of your fellow prisoners to HONOR your deep and fundamental NEED? Or will YOU emancipate YOUR SELF from the strangle hold of their deceased dream? 

Do you have the courage and love of what and who YOU TRULY are to BURN ALL YOUR BRIDGES and honor your most private and fragile dreams and bring them to fruition? 

Do not TURN this desire that holds the key fulfillment into an imaginary villain you avoid to spare the life of your creation who keeps you locked away in a cell of your own making.

Don't let this most precious seed of desire fall prey to your learned DOUBTS AND FEARS. 

Your desire and faith will get you over the rim of resistance learned by those who came before you. 

Continuing to harbor their insane dream is A FORCE sure to pull you under... Like the crabs in a barrel.... to certain death-- 
As has been our own discovery, there is nothing more dangerous than a MAN who believes his own deceptions of SELF and proceeds to build his life upon them as if they were the truth.

Any power that is built upon FEAR is bound to crumble and disintegrate. Understand this great truth and you will never be so unfortunate as to try to raise yourself to power through the FEARS of other people who may owe you temporary allegiance.
-Napoleon Hill

Now that we have shared some basic technical information with you to illustrate what a self defeating belief is and how it manifests, lets take a look at some common self defeating beliefs we have identified within ourselves. Hopefully you Will be able to relate to our own self defeating beliefs and begin to identify your own. We all have them and it is nothing to feel shameful or guilty about.


I am damaged
I am not enough
I am too much
I am not worthy of love
I don't deserve anything better than this
I can't satisfy my lover
I can't do anything
I'm too good for this
I am BAD 
I am stupid
Everyone abandons me
There is something wrong with me
If I get too close they will see the real me and leave
Ill never amount to anything
I will always be a loser 
I can't trust anyone 
Everybody lets me down

We can only share our own self defeating beliefs which we listed above. We only wish to assist you in beginning to relate our experience to your own. Once you see that we have the same problem then you will be more open to our solution. We all share the same wound and it is through this wound that we can begin to relate. As we become more conscious and connected to the love and truth of our own beings we will be able to relate in more positive and life affirming ways as well.
The next section of our guide book gives you a new concept of addiction. As you may begin to have already seen, we are really addicted to supporting and validating whatever we believe about ourselves and the world we are a part of.

These beliefs create limitations which limit our ability to express love and truth. This necessary nourishment of our fundamental needs for love, intimacy and creative expression have not been met.

We have been too busy trying to satisfy the perceived needs of our belief self. These sort of needs become of little importance once we begin to meet our primary needs stated above. Lack of love and of real power creates fear and negative emotional states that we become unable or unwilling to deal with.

This being said we all seek out relief in the form of addictions to any number of external mechanisms to gain short term relief.
Television, sex, food, drugs, gambling, work, anorexia, shopping and co dependence are just a few obvious external mechanisms which we use to feel “better”. This is a means of trying to produce or control a desired emotional effect. Here is our definition of addiction and mechanism which you may find helpful. 

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved



A conditioned dependence to any psychological or physical mechanism in order to produce and control a desired emotional effect.


The agency or means by which an effect is produced or a purpose is accomplished.

Lacking healthy alternatives and practical tools to cope with the condition stated above, most of us suffering from the effects caused by our self defeating beliefs forgo our creative aspirations and intimacy with others which most always leads to living a life of increased self defeating actions in search of relief from our negative emotional state.

Obviously the negative emotional state created by living a life dominated by our self defeating beliefs can be quite painful. As a result, we often seek out relief or distraction through drugs, gambling, sex,, anorexia, food, co dependence, hoarding (ad infinitum) to gain relief from or control over our negative emotions and view of ourselves and our environment. Usually our “CONTOLLING” of our emotional state does not translate into feelings of joy or satisfaction. This controlled emotional state is usually negative and painful but this is not the goal. The goal is to have control over OUR EMOTIONS. We would rather control our own private little HELL than run the risk of allowing anyone outside of our self to control it for us.  

Over time and repetition of use, these external mechanisms, which at one time may have very well provided some sort of relief, later escalate into addictions and become the focus of our perceived troubles. Once this physical and mental obsession ensues we commit our limited energy and resources to sustain our dependence of these very same mechanisms that once provided relief.
Once this phase of addiction manifests we become stuck in instinct mode. We are almost totally disconnected from our own being which creates even greater fear and unwanted emotions. As the negative effects caused by lack of conscious contact to our own being escalate we engage in more and ever more drastic means of temporary relief. This is where many addicts take drugs just to feel normal. The high is gone. The misery remains and is made worse by all of the consequences which have piled on top of each other. These consequences have to be avoided at all costs. Our instinctively driven belief self convinces us to keep going and we become increasingly more extreme in our behavior. We begin to lie cheat and steal. We have unprotected sex even though we know we have sexually transmitted diseases.

Over time, we begin to neglect our more life affirming needs and negative consequences ensue. These consequences such as failed relationships, loss of responsibilities and financial instability become the focus, both to ourselves and those who love us. These consequences of active addiction become the ideal camouflage that our self defeating beliefs hide behind. These are all effects caused by our negative and self defeating beliefs within our own mind.

Men and woman of this lot usually die unfulfilled, never realizing nor sharing their creative genius. Humanity has lost more through this sort of loss than perhaps all the wars fought since the beginning of time. Just as the author of this suggested plan of action has had to walk through the most tragic of human concerns in order to report back to you, It would have been just as easy to succumb to his own fears and self defeating beliefs and die prematurely without ever sharing the incredible being trapped beneath the layers of sadness, pain and anger. 

We, speaking from experience, BELIEVE we do not deserve anything else and must be SHOWN that we are worthy.

The only part of our being that is really unworthy is that which was created out of pain and false belief. This most unnatural and unworthy creation is also the creation we most identify with. This is not because we are crazy or sick or broken. We have simply accepted beliefs about ourselves which make us feel like we are crazy, sick or broken.

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


For all who are interested in joining our group on facebook, here is our link. This group contains many sample questions out of our step working guide. It also contains daily auto suggestion meditations and sample sections out of our up coming text book. ENJOY

Thursday, February 16, 2012



Greetings Mr & Mrs Gates:

We have deep appreciation of the fact that the temples you and your wife are in the process of building will be found within the hearts of a collective conscious thirsty for an opportunity to discover their true potential rather decaying upon plains of future ruin.

You have worked tirelessly to place yourself in position to give the gift of your choosing to a world that shall inherit your legacy. Nobody who has achieved a position in life such as you has done so without the aid of powerful forces operating on your behalf. You have had to shoulder much in order to afford yourself the opportunity to affect the sort of change that you hold DEAR TO YOUR HEART.

As a result of your life's work, you and your wife Melinda are of but a few people on this planet with the power at your disposal to affect the change that we, the meek that shall inherit this earth, could cherish with deep and endearing appreciation.

Rather than sit idle in satisfaction of your prior accomplishments, you understand there is still much work to be done and infinitely greater realms of power to be realized through organized effort and practical service.

With the simple plan of action outlined in this document we would like to demonstrate our worthiness to inherit the keys to the kingdom. Please use some of your power to aid us in our mission which we hold EQUALLY DEAR TO OUR OWN HEARTS.

After more than five years of HANDS ON experience in all aspects of our Alliances proposed plan of action, we stand ready and able to effectively actualize our platform on a broader scale where it might be of greater service to the human organism during this most important time of transition.

People need something to do that is constructive. People need to have their fundamental needs met in order to avoid more destructive unconscious creation in the future. People need to have their faith in themselves and their brothers restored. People need to heal the wounds of trauma and loneliness and transmute their most shameful secrets into sources of motivation to serve others in their own recovery. As you shall soon see, every aspect of our plan meets our most fundamental needs and so many more.

Finally, we feel that in order to effect the GREATEST change possible in the SHORTEST amount of time, which is of the ESSENCE, we, meaning our collective and people such as you and your wife, must creatively collaborate together. We bring valuable personal and practical experience to the table in regards to the issues addressed in our proposed plan of action. You provide equally valuable experience to implement this plan of action more effectively and efficiently than we could ever hope to accomplish. Together we can transcend our individual limitations into a vast and all encompassing viewpoint that is much more capable of transmitting LOVE and TRUTH.

At this stage in the game none of us are in a position to point fingers or blame anybody but ourselves and our beliefs for our present situation. We feel that much could be healed if you would also kindly share the same perspective moving forward. We are almost like two totally different types of humanoid who each bring something positive to the playing field of life. We are like carbon and silicon molecules that when combined harness the powers of the sun through solar energy and afford all the precious gift of ENERGY

We do NOT have to let history repeat itself. We, as a collective human organism are much further along in our development then to have to wait on disaster, Either NATURAL or MAN MADE, to bring us together. We can COME TOGETHER NOW. We offer our well thought out plan of action as a sort of cosmic sized social experiment. We have nothing to lose and ALL to gain through merging our mental and physical resources in an organized effort of mutual aid and brotherly love.

By now you can already begin to feel our motivation behind the creation of this plan and perhaps you YOURSELVES feel that very same LOVE AND TRUTH coursing its way through your heart and soul. This being said, the author of this proposed plan of action who is a well schooled student of his own self imposed beliefs asks you a very simple question:

Will you expend your resources trying to stop the bleeding or have the moral courage to take the surgeons scalpel and cut deep enough into the human organism to correct the cause at its source?

Because you have the POWER and we have the DESIRE and ENTHUSIASM. Lets harmonize our individual motivations into a collective MASTERMIND and take care of this beast of human confliction once and for ALL.

Sincerely Yours,

The Creative Collective Alliance

Copyright 2012 retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved












We have come to discover that the primary cause of all EFFECT which manifests itself quite often to our own detriment, within the human organism, originates in our SYSTEM of BELIEFS. Any of our more negative and self defeating beliefs, if traced back to their point of origin, are usually born out of moments of TRAUMA. These source points are the true CAUSE of much negative EFFECT such as addiction, disease, apathy and hopelessness as well as less obvious EFFECT such as the DRIVE for power and prestige. The EFFECTS of our condition are equally opportunistic as evident in every person who jumps to their death either from the Golden Gate Bridge or the Towers of High Finance.

As instruments of creation, we can either transmit love or project fear. Creation in and of itself is beyond the man made realms of GOOD and BAD. Creation, we have learned through our own experience, finds its mode of expression along either conscious or unconscious lines.
We have the ability to distort the TRANSMISSION of love into a dangerous and destructive PROJECTION of fear if the environmental conditions within our own mind are negatively charged in nature. It is what we believe about ourselves, people and the external environment that determines this state of mind.

We take action on a daily basis that either projects fear or transmits love. Every day we wake up to a life that can either seem limited or without limitation. Every day there is a choice that we have to be conscious of the fact that we are making. We have come to understand that we will usually see the world the way we see ourselves.

Any belief that we uphold which is self defeating in nature is another condition we have placed upon the human experience. Any condition of this sort can limit our ability to create and express in a positive and life affirming manor. The true nature of our thoughts and actions ultimately distinguishes the the human condition and spiritual experience.
Our entire suggested plan of action outlined in this proposal aims to achieve specific objectives for all those who are willing to work towards their attainment.

We only help those who have a willingness to help themselves. We are only of service to those who are willing to serve others. We can only aid in the discovery of ones personal truth if they are willing to surrender what they believe to be true. Finally, we always work with what is here NOW, never hoping to CAUSE an effect in the future as a substitution for causing one NOW.
Humanity is evolutionary work in progress. Attempting to induce a revolution
to expedite our evolution is perhaps the grandest ego trip of them all.
The Author



The very first lie that we accept and incorporate into our belief system is no different than the last. The principle antagonist dwells in all that we believe and re-enforce over the course of our lifetime. Through our own personal experience we have found that over time it becomes increasingly more difficult to distinguish what is TRUE from what we BELIEVE to be true, both about ourselves and the world of which we are a part of.

We incorporate beliefs into our sense of who we think we are and those beliefs begin to dictate the way we perceive ourselves and the image of ourselves that we project onto others. These beliefs are usually formulated via the outside influence of people, places and things. Some beliefs can be positive in nature and of transmitted variety through intimate experience, spiritual seeking, creative expression and more. These types of beliefs are not self defeating in nature, in fact they are life affirming and usually aid in the development of any individual. Other self defeating beliefs are negative in nature and are projected through traumatic interactions with others who were most likely victims of trauma as well. We have found through our own experience that we UNCONSCIOUSLY Create conflict in others to validate the conflict within ourselves. This mixture of fear and creative expression is deadly and common.

We have a theory to explain why this sort of unconscious, fear driven expression is practiced in such an advanced civilization such as our own. Our instincts for survival are activated by fear. Without the threat of real danger our instincts have actually enlisted the aid of our imagination to remain engaged to the extent they are accustom. In other words, we create a threat when it is absolutely unwarranted. We allow fear of the imagined variety to totally take ourselves out of the present moment which is the only moment that we truly have any power at all.

Try to imagine the instinctual fear based part of our brain as a person who used the chief executive officer of MAN I.N.C but is now basically unemployable due to the lack of real demand for his services. This little guy is trying to create scenarios to make himself feel like he is still an asset in the same capacity he once was. The problem is that his activity is pointless and actually causes more harm than good. He is actually creating busy work which is reflective in what motivates so many of us in our quest for self-fulfillment here on earth. He doesn’t even know that he is actually causing major problems for his co-workers, the more rational parts of the brain, and continues to engage in mindless busy work which is self-defeating in nature.

The more time that we have been left to our own devices the more distortion we have invariably created. Do you remember the old saying “idle hands lets the devils work be done”? Well the devil is our fear driven instincts that don’t know what to do with all of the free time. Not to long ago we were really guided by our instincts. Most of our days were spent trying to sustain a basic existence for our family and ourselves. Food and shelter were not taken for granted back then. Survival was a full time job. Fulfilling our basic needs is still a full time job except now we punch time clocks and buy our food at grocery stores which does not require the same instinctual response it once did.

On a biological level we somehow suspect that we are approaching a moment in our evolution in which there will be a shift from our minds being controlled by our base instinct to the extent it now is. In the very near future the duty of our most primary functions may be the responsibility of the more rational parts of our mind. This shift should strengthen the connection to the more  spiritual aspect of our being. If the mind, in its current model, were a piece of our coveted technology, it would be reaching a point of obsolescence.

ONCE AGAIN it must be stated that it is our CORE beliefs below the water line of the human condition which has CAUSED the subtle and insidious demise of all civilizations before that of our own. Have we been here before? Have we stood at such a threshold of change and potential advancement only to remain at odds? Is this just the way it has always been and shall always be? Have YOU also accepted this line of reason no matter how illogical and irrational it may be? As we hang treacherously close to the edge of that very same fate we implore that you read our proposed plan of action with all of the earnestness that you possess.




A conditioned dependence to any psychological or physical mechanism
in order to produce and control a desired emotional effect.


The agency or means by which an effect is produced or a purpose is accomplished

Lacking healthy alternatives and practical tools to cope with the condition stated in section 2, most of us suffering from the effects caused by our self defeating beliefs forgo our creative aspirations which most always leads to living a life of increased self defeating actions in search of relief from our negative emotional state. Obviously the negative emotional state created by living a life dominated by our self defeating beliefs can become quite emotionally painful. We often seek out relief or distraction through drugs, gambling, sex,, anorexia, food, co dependence, hoarding (ad infinitum) to gain relief from or control over our negative emotions and view of ourselves and our environment. Over time and repetition of use, these external coping mechanisms, which at one time provided relief, later escalate into addictions and become the focus of our perceived troubles. Once this physical and mental obsession ensues we commit our limited energy and resources to sustain our dependence of these very same mechanisms that once provided relief.

Over time, we begin to neglect our more life affirming needs and negative consequences ensue. These consequences such as failed relationships, loss of responsibilities and financial instability become the focus, both to ourselves and those who love us. These consequences of active addiction become the ideal camouflage that our self defeating beliefs hide behind.

Some of us did not experience observable trauma growing up but rather a subtle and negative viewpoint learned from those close to us who were themselves traumatized or had contact with others who were. We have come to see through our own discovery that the effects of trauma spread in much the same manor as a virus. The trauma virus is alive and well and reeking havoc inside the human organism. There are others who, by the physically addictive properties of their mechanism i.e alcohol or opiates became addicted and later experienced trauma as a bi product of supporting their addiction and corresponding lifestyle.

These conditions stated above are all EFFECTS caused by exposure to ones own SELF DEFEATING BELIEFS and UNTREATED TRAUMA or peripherally through others we come into contact with. Members of our collective have experienced all of the conditions listed above and even lost lovers and parents as a direct result of this exact progression of hopelessness and fear originating in beliefs that are defeating in nature.

Men and woman of this lot usually die unfulfilled, never realizing nor sharing their creative genius. Humanity has lost more through this sort of loss than perhaps all the wars fought since the beginning of time. Just as the author of this grant himself has had to walk through the most tragic of human concerns in order to report back to you, It would have been just as easy to succumb to his own doubts and fears and self defeating beliefs and die prematurely without ever sharing the incredible being trapped beneath the layers of sadness, pain and anger. They, speaking from experience, BELIEVE they do not deserve it and must be SHOWN that they are worthy.
The point of importance in nurturing the creative mediums of life force expression is the DISCOVERY or MANIFESTATION of a talent, tendency or adaptation in a given direction. This requires support and encouragement to apprehend, utilize and finally accomplish along certain creative lines.

In any moment when creative action is taken we are NOT reacting to our self defeating beliefs. The practice of taking creative action through any artistic medium ensures victory in ones personal battle against resistance and apathy, which we have discovered to be the most lethal of allies to our self defeating belief system. Men like Hitler stand as perhaps our greatest advocates. If he were encouraged to nurture his own pursuits and not criticized then the course of that segment of history would have at very least had a different villain.

Whenever a book is started, a brush stroke added, a song composed or even an operating system developed, we as creative individuals become open to new and positive experiences with ourselves and the world of which we are a part of. 

“It is as natural that one should develop along these lines as for a child to romp and dance in the exuberance of youthful joy”


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