Thursday, February 16, 2012












We have come to discover that the primary cause of all EFFECT which manifests itself quite often to our own detriment, within the human organism, originates in our SYSTEM of BELIEFS. Any of our more negative and self defeating beliefs, if traced back to their point of origin, are usually born out of moments of TRAUMA. These source points are the true CAUSE of much negative EFFECT such as addiction, disease, apathy and hopelessness as well as less obvious EFFECT such as the DRIVE for power and prestige. The EFFECTS of our condition are equally opportunistic as evident in every person who jumps to their death either from the Golden Gate Bridge or the Towers of High Finance.

As instruments of creation, we can either transmit love or project fear. Creation in and of itself is beyond the man made realms of GOOD and BAD. Creation, we have learned through our own experience, finds its mode of expression along either conscious or unconscious lines.
We have the ability to distort the TRANSMISSION of love into a dangerous and destructive PROJECTION of fear if the environmental conditions within our own mind are negatively charged in nature. It is what we believe about ourselves, people and the external environment that determines this state of mind.

We take action on a daily basis that either projects fear or transmits love. Every day we wake up to a life that can either seem limited or without limitation. Every day there is a choice that we have to be conscious of the fact that we are making. We have come to understand that we will usually see the world the way we see ourselves.

Any belief that we uphold which is self defeating in nature is another condition we have placed upon the human experience. Any condition of this sort can limit our ability to create and express in a positive and life affirming manor. The true nature of our thoughts and actions ultimately distinguishes the the human condition and spiritual experience.
Our entire suggested plan of action outlined in this proposal aims to achieve specific objectives for all those who are willing to work towards their attainment.

We only help those who have a willingness to help themselves. We are only of service to those who are willing to serve others. We can only aid in the discovery of ones personal truth if they are willing to surrender what they believe to be true. Finally, we always work with what is here NOW, never hoping to CAUSE an effect in the future as a substitution for causing one NOW.
Humanity is evolutionary work in progress. Attempting to induce a revolution
to expedite our evolution is perhaps the grandest ego trip of them all.
The Author



The very first lie that we accept and incorporate into our belief system is no different than the last. The principle antagonist dwells in all that we believe and re-enforce over the course of our lifetime. Through our own personal experience we have found that over time it becomes increasingly more difficult to distinguish what is TRUE from what we BELIEVE to be true, both about ourselves and the world of which we are a part of.

We incorporate beliefs into our sense of who we think we are and those beliefs begin to dictate the way we perceive ourselves and the image of ourselves that we project onto others. These beliefs are usually formulated via the outside influence of people, places and things. Some beliefs can be positive in nature and of transmitted variety through intimate experience, spiritual seeking, creative expression and more. These types of beliefs are not self defeating in nature, in fact they are life affirming and usually aid in the development of any individual. Other self defeating beliefs are negative in nature and are projected through traumatic interactions with others who were most likely victims of trauma as well. We have found through our own experience that we UNCONSCIOUSLY Create conflict in others to validate the conflict within ourselves. This mixture of fear and creative expression is deadly and common.

We have a theory to explain why this sort of unconscious, fear driven expression is practiced in such an advanced civilization such as our own. Our instincts for survival are activated by fear. Without the threat of real danger our instincts have actually enlisted the aid of our imagination to remain engaged to the extent they are accustom. In other words, we create a threat when it is absolutely unwarranted. We allow fear of the imagined variety to totally take ourselves out of the present moment which is the only moment that we truly have any power at all.

Try to imagine the instinctual fear based part of our brain as a person who used the chief executive officer of MAN I.N.C but is now basically unemployable due to the lack of real demand for his services. This little guy is trying to create scenarios to make himself feel like he is still an asset in the same capacity he once was. The problem is that his activity is pointless and actually causes more harm than good. He is actually creating busy work which is reflective in what motivates so many of us in our quest for self-fulfillment here on earth. He doesn’t even know that he is actually causing major problems for his co-workers, the more rational parts of the brain, and continues to engage in mindless busy work which is self-defeating in nature.

The more time that we have been left to our own devices the more distortion we have invariably created. Do you remember the old saying “idle hands lets the devils work be done”? Well the devil is our fear driven instincts that don’t know what to do with all of the free time. Not to long ago we were really guided by our instincts. Most of our days were spent trying to sustain a basic existence for our family and ourselves. Food and shelter were not taken for granted back then. Survival was a full time job. Fulfilling our basic needs is still a full time job except now we punch time clocks and buy our food at grocery stores which does not require the same instinctual response it once did.

On a biological level we somehow suspect that we are approaching a moment in our evolution in which there will be a shift from our minds being controlled by our base instinct to the extent it now is. In the very near future the duty of our most primary functions may be the responsibility of the more rational parts of our mind. This shift should strengthen the connection to the more  spiritual aspect of our being. If the mind, in its current model, were a piece of our coveted technology, it would be reaching a point of obsolescence.

ONCE AGAIN it must be stated that it is our CORE beliefs below the water line of the human condition which has CAUSED the subtle and insidious demise of all civilizations before that of our own. Have we been here before? Have we stood at such a threshold of change and potential advancement only to remain at odds? Is this just the way it has always been and shall always be? Have YOU also accepted this line of reason no matter how illogical and irrational it may be? As we hang treacherously close to the edge of that very same fate we implore that you read our proposed plan of action with all of the earnestness that you possess.




A conditioned dependence to any psychological or physical mechanism
in order to produce and control a desired emotional effect.


The agency or means by which an effect is produced or a purpose is accomplished

Lacking healthy alternatives and practical tools to cope with the condition stated in section 2, most of us suffering from the effects caused by our self defeating beliefs forgo our creative aspirations which most always leads to living a life of increased self defeating actions in search of relief from our negative emotional state. Obviously the negative emotional state created by living a life dominated by our self defeating beliefs can become quite emotionally painful. We often seek out relief or distraction through drugs, gambling, sex,, anorexia, food, co dependence, hoarding (ad infinitum) to gain relief from or control over our negative emotions and view of ourselves and our environment. Over time and repetition of use, these external coping mechanisms, which at one time provided relief, later escalate into addictions and become the focus of our perceived troubles. Once this physical and mental obsession ensues we commit our limited energy and resources to sustain our dependence of these very same mechanisms that once provided relief.

Over time, we begin to neglect our more life affirming needs and negative consequences ensue. These consequences such as failed relationships, loss of responsibilities and financial instability become the focus, both to ourselves and those who love us. These consequences of active addiction become the ideal camouflage that our self defeating beliefs hide behind.

Some of us did not experience observable trauma growing up but rather a subtle and negative viewpoint learned from those close to us who were themselves traumatized or had contact with others who were. We have come to see through our own discovery that the effects of trauma spread in much the same manor as a virus. The trauma virus is alive and well and reeking havoc inside the human organism. There are others who, by the physically addictive properties of their mechanism i.e alcohol or opiates became addicted and later experienced trauma as a bi product of supporting their addiction and corresponding lifestyle.

These conditions stated above are all EFFECTS caused by exposure to ones own SELF DEFEATING BELIEFS and UNTREATED TRAUMA or peripherally through others we come into contact with. Members of our collective have experienced all of the conditions listed above and even lost lovers and parents as a direct result of this exact progression of hopelessness and fear originating in beliefs that are defeating in nature.

Men and woman of this lot usually die unfulfilled, never realizing nor sharing their creative genius. Humanity has lost more through this sort of loss than perhaps all the wars fought since the beginning of time. Just as the author of this grant himself has had to walk through the most tragic of human concerns in order to report back to you, It would have been just as easy to succumb to his own doubts and fears and self defeating beliefs and die prematurely without ever sharing the incredible being trapped beneath the layers of sadness, pain and anger. They, speaking from experience, BELIEVE they do not deserve it and must be SHOWN that they are worthy.
The point of importance in nurturing the creative mediums of life force expression is the DISCOVERY or MANIFESTATION of a talent, tendency or adaptation in a given direction. This requires support and encouragement to apprehend, utilize and finally accomplish along certain creative lines.

In any moment when creative action is taken we are NOT reacting to our self defeating beliefs. The practice of taking creative action through any artistic medium ensures victory in ones personal battle against resistance and apathy, which we have discovered to be the most lethal of allies to our self defeating belief system. Men like Hitler stand as perhaps our greatest advocates. If he were encouraged to nurture his own pursuits and not criticized then the course of that segment of history would have at very least had a different villain.

Whenever a book is started, a brush stroke added, a song composed or even an operating system developed, we as creative individuals become open to new and positive experiences with ourselves and the world of which we are a part of. 

“It is as natural that one should develop along these lines as for a child to romp and dance in the exuberance of youthful joy”


Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

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