Saturday, February 11, 2012



The Los Angeles chapter of The Creative Collective Alliancs is committed to showcasing and aiding in the therapeutic process of creative action. This localized organization serves the artist no matter what phase of development they are at within their own creative process. Creative Collective L.A’s “OPEN” GATHERINGS” provide the community inspired nights of creative expression and gives us a perfect platform to fulfill our mission.
Our OPEN GATHERINGS feature live musical performances, dance performances, art showings, installations, silk screening, interactive art, guided meditations and yoga classes, designers, healers, psychics and much more.

Our past events such as “East Meets West” and “Ego Armageddon” produced at Golden Bridge Yoga in Hollywood were attended by upwards of 1000 people. They showcased over 100 artists and blended local and national performers under one roof.

Our “OPEN” Gatherings are designed to be artists of all mediums together and help people in and out of recovery begin to engage their own creative inspiration in a drug and alcohol free environment. 

These Open gatherings also serve as the perfect platform to educate and gain support of all of the other Alliances practical concerns which are outlined in detail in the pages to follow. As you will soon see, there is not one aspect of our Alliance which is not interconnected and mutually supportive to the others. This ensures that the absolute most will be done with every last dollar you pledge to our endeavors.

We propose the establishment of viable outlets for artists of all mediums who have the willingness and desire to meet us half way. These are men and woman who have already laid their foundation of recovery and are ready and willing to re-engage their creative aspirations. 

We would fund qualified applicants to go back to school and upon their graduation simply require that they donate a pre-determined amount of hours of service back to CCLA. The participant would turn right around and help others by teaching what they have just learned to participants who enroll in Creative Collective Alliance acting, singing, arts, dance, film and music (Ad Infinitum) classes They would be required to complete a two year part time commitment with Creative Collective Alliance in exchange for their education or paid apprenticeship with any of the more established artists who enroll in our program as financial or life experience "Mentors". This proposed plan of assistance would receive tremendous positive public response both socially and financially. This is a cross between Teach for America, MAP and the Peace Corps which would pave the way for many disadvantaged youths to follow their creative dreams.

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

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