Saturday, February 11, 2012







If there is a fundamental belief that there is NOT ENOUGH which permeates the human organism then we will think this FALSE BELIEF into existence which is evident in all four directions in which a compass points. If there is a Fundamental belief that WE are not enough then we will rape our planet and each other in pursuit of its validation.

In our own country the pursuit of happiness is a far cry for its actual attainment. In our fear driven obsession to CHASE WHAT MATTERS, we have found that what truly matters, THE SAFETY AND COMFORT IN OUR OWN BEING cannot be reproduced by the wheels of industry nor obscured by the machines of war.

Although Creative Collective Alliance's structure is only in its formative stage of development we have already begun to experience its ability to emancipate our individual consciousness from the man made BELIEF in lacking and limitation which we had accepted as TRUTH for most of our lives. As has been our own discovery, there is nothing more dangerous than a MAN who believes his own deceptions of SELF and proceeds to build his life upon them as if they were the truth. Through applied spiritual principles, creative action and service we are living proof that through the reconciliation of self destructive beliefs, the projection of trauma, which has been handed down through the ages, could potentially do no further harm.

It is our BELIEF that if the same energy, resources and man power were put into healing the auto affliction of man at its source rather through its external symptoms such as war, disease, apathy and addiction, we as a collective human organism would in fact thrive at epidemic proportions. If all that was invested into the war on WHATEVER was applied to healing a child in their moment of trauma as well as aiding all those already infected with its destructive effects then there would be no further need for Jails, Institutions, Force and Ignorance.

This brings us to the next and perhaps most fundamental question the author of this grant has to pose to its reader: Will YOU continue to expend your own resources and life force trying to stop the bleeding you see all around you and perhaps deep within your own being or will YOU have the moral courage to take the surgeons scalpel and cut deep enough into your own consciousness to correct the cause at its source? 

The GOOD COP/BAD COP scenario is playing out within the confines of our own mind. We have the devil sitting on one shoulder as an example of BAD and Jesus sitting on the other as an example of GOOD. It is in the misapplication of ones subjective knowledge that ANY and ALL suffering takes place. If the countless others did not resolve to prove or disprove their BELIEF in WHATEVER then hundreds of millions more lives would have died a natural death. 

In the end, of what value is a life lived under the artificial vail of right and wrong? What power does anyone have who subscribes to this line of reasoning truly have at their disposal? Is this fear driven waste of life force expression not the very foundation of every life that comes to a sad and familiar end? What value did this fruitless support of a BELIEF in good and bad bear in lives of those who have died before us? Will we just follow in their DISTORTED and conflicted footsteps?

Do we really believe that we not capable of doing anything else?

Can you as an INDIVIDUAL rise above the murky quicksand of YOUR own beliefs and help others who are willing to do the same? Or will you expend you precious gift of life trying to change the minds of those too invested in their own beliefs and obstinately remain too blind to see?

Avoid at all costs BECOMING or REMAINING the sort of individual that forces their own confusion on others. This is MISERY of THE HIGHEST ORDER.

Will you wait for the consent of your fellow prisoners to HONOR your deep and fundamental NEED? Can YOU emancipate YOURSELF from the strangle hold of their deceased dream?

Do you have the courage and love of what and who YOU TRULY are to BURN ALL YOUR BRIDGES and honor your most private and fragile dreams and bring them to fruition? 

Do not TURN this desire that holds the key fulfillment into an imaginary villain.

Don't let this most precious seed of desire fall prey to your learned DOUBTS AND FEARS.

Your desire and faith will get you over the rim of resistance learned by those who came before you.

Continuing to harbor their insane dream is A FORCE sure to pull you under... Like the crabs in a barrel.... to certain death-- 

We have innate creative faculties which must find adequate outlets for expression for the necessary nourishment of our creative nature. Without positive ways in which to express these energies we will continue to create world wars and diseases which turn the wheels of of industry but for the benefit of who?


Any power that is built upon FEAR is bound to crumble and disintegrate. Understand this great truth and you will never be so unfortunate as to try to raise yourself to power through the FEARS of other people who may owe you temporary allegiance.

-Napoleon Hill




Our own personal experiences described in this section illustrates a fundamental need within our own community. We can only speak our truth and do not claim to be anything other than experts of our own experience. We do not make any claims outside the realm of own personal experience. Just as there is no therapeutic equivalent to the value of one drug addict or alcoholic relating to another, we are only capable of relating with each other and finding the precious gift of service in our mutual aid and creative expression. We have come to realize that the wound of trauma and its resulting beliefs which are self defeating in nature may be a life long struggle but one that is well worth the effort. We are also in agreement that if one is to engage in a struggle of any sort that it should be one that has the capacity to kill the snake of human suffering by chopping off its head rather up its tail, piece by piece . Peeling back the layers of an onion will leed to the absolute FACT that in order to alter ones belief based on past events they must have new experiences that disprove what they had accepted as fact. In order to EVER know we must experience it first. What many ONLY know is what they have experienced in their past and many times these experiences have hampered their ability to experience anything else.

The effect of trauma causes an inability to sustain intimate relations with others. This lack of intimacy is the root of all confliction within the human organism and this confliction is kept alive by our self defeating belief system.

In the most precious moments of human development between an innocent child and their most primary care providers ensue the most tragic of crimes against man. The mental and emotional health of a child becomes compromised through a direct violation of trust and emotional need.

Parents, themselves survivors of trauma, who see the blinding and unconditional love inside their children's eyes have the most unfortunate response. They, or more specifically, their distorted perception of their beliefs see the love and truth in a child's eyes as a threat to their own trauma spawned belief system. Once again, through our experience we have discovered that parents will unconsciously project this distortion onto the consciousness of their own child as they had done unto them in their days of approximate youth. This an unconscious initiation from one generation to the next is the mode by which the “trauma Virus” is supported.

Through our own personal research within the linage of our own members history with trauma we have discovered some shocking correlations that we must revile. In many cases, the abuse (trauma) occurs between the parent and child at around the same time in the child's development that the parent themselves were traumatized. The parent, actually gives the most devastating and distorted conception of love to their off spring in the form of the modes outlined above in order to relate with their child in a sick but familiar way. Of course in these moments they are not even present in their body much like they had to leave their own body when they themselves were the recipient of trauma from those who came before them. . Much like the physical act of cutting or the many types of its emotional equivalent the perpetrator goes into an instinct trance. They do in fact overcome by their own activated instinct drive which in that source moment, has overridden their rational brain.

The most vicious criminals that currently sit behind bars have absorbed some of the worst traumas known to man. The homeless who wander the streets uttering their fragmented thoughts to themselves are also victims of trauma. The bankers on wall street who are driven to acquire at the expense of a nation are also trauma survivors. None of these examples should be judged or branded as BAD. They are the effect of a cause that we ALL share the burden of reconciling.

We all share the same wound and it is through this wound that we will unite.

One of the most primary needs humans lack in this age of terminal velocity is that of vulnerability and intimacy in their communication and communion of one another. We at the alliance have discovered that they one thing that we can all do to bridge the gap created out of belief and trauma is to foster environments that nurture both creative expression and mutual aid.

Rather than beating one another into a place of familiar pain and submission we can serve one another with the basic understanding that we are all damaged goods. If we accept the fact that we are fragile rather than believe that we are broken then there is room for healing to take place.




We share a sense of urgency to do everything within our power to balance out the field of play into localized, sustainable horizontal networks of interconnected cells working together toward the realization a higher purpose. The days of building ones personal Tower Of Babel drew to a close with the demise of the World Trade Center.

As was evident on that day, sometimes it takes a disaster to bring humanity together. For better or worse 9-11 was indeed a world wide wake up call. What seemed as a perpetration of EVIL to those entangled in the man made realms of GOOD And BAD has grown into a necessary awakening of the sleeping giant of consciousness which had been in hibernation since the GARDEN OF EDEN.

The Garden of Eden was forever transformed into The Garden Of Needing from the moment Adam reached for something outside of his own connection to his source, spirit, being or god to validate himself. This of course is not a literal story though it has been accepted as such since we first came to contemplate things other than our own nourishment and procreation.

The Garden could very well have been In Utero, inside our own mother. As we develop within the womb so too does our brain as it prepares us for the inevitable moment of independence and self sufficiency. The serpent from the story could very well have been symbolic of the instinctual mind preparing Adam for his inevitable birth into the physical realm. The deep sleep ensued just after Adam did exactly what God warned him not to do.

The tree of knowledge bore fruit which Adam could not resist much in the same way infants are unable to resist the projections of beliefs from those who have come before them. Adam, much like ourselves, honored his GOD given ability to freely choose his own actions.

The problem lies not in the actions we take, for life is a learning experience, but the trouble lies in the shame, blame and regret we attach to those very same actions.

“Seeking out the validation of confused minds only makes my own mind more confused”

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

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