Saturday, February 11, 2012





De-Institutionalizing, rehabilitating and healing through the practical application of spiritual principles outlined in Self Defeating Beliefs Anonymous, creative action and service to the individual and community.

Art Brut is the front line of Creative Collective Alliances mission. This arm of the alliance addresses the necessary nourishment of mans creative nature where it is absolutely needed the most by serving those behind bars and living on the streets.

The Homeless Creator:
The author of this grant has close and personal association with a handful of homeless artists throughout Los Angeles whom he has personally provided with the supplies needed to get these artists successfully reengaging their creative process.
Incarcerated and Institutionalized Creators:

As the author of this grant can attest to through his own experience, incarceration is a destination for those most unable to cope with his or her own trauma and self defeating beliefs. Ones own inner compulsion to prove to themselves that they are worthless or unworthy can take them to the darkest and most tragic places on earth.

Like attracts like and it is no wonder that the last stop on ones downward decent are places like SKID ROW in downtown Los Angeles. People who are infected with the crippling conditions of self hatred and apathy gather together in these places much in the same way men of light and love once came together in masonic temples. This law of the universe is inescapable and beyond the man made realms of bad or good. With this understood we would like it to be considered that Skid Row is in fact a state of mind. This state of mind is the CAUSE just as its physical location is merely the EFFECT.

The dominating thoughts of any individual reproduce themselves in outward bodily action and transform themselves into reality. Understanding this Fact we propose safe zones which would consist of refurbishing abandoned structures and converting them into modest yet functional hubs of creative expression.

Helping Those Who Help Themselves
The homeless who utilize these centers to pursue their creative aspirations would be permitted only after taking the required steps outlined in an application process to ensure they understand the responsibility and privilege of being a part of such a space. We would supply all the essential supplies and equipment needed to achieve our goal of facilitating creative action in those far less fortunate than ourselves.

This exact same process would be reproduced inside the correctional system in the form of Art Rooms or studios where all prisoners would be requested to check all racial, gang and personal affiliations at the door much in the exact way that Alcoholics Anonymous and religious functions are able to function in those very same institutions today.

Those Prisoners in solitary confinement and even death row would be supplied with supplies within the confines of their own cell to produce works of art.

It is the belief of the author of this grant that each and every person alive today comprise a part of the human organism and it is for this reason alone that we should consider the collective effect caused by some of the most conflicted and traumatized members healing their individual vibration through engaging in the creative process. This would ensure that our collective vibration become that much more harmonized and unified.

One of the healing elements of Art Brut would be facilitated through periodic art shows at a spaces such as MOCA in Downtown Los Angeles. These art shows simply called ART BRUT would consist of submissions from incarcerated artists from across the world. Each art show would have its own theme and the first would be “What Do You Love”.

If the artists wishes to, they could sell their pieces and would receive 30% the money on their books to be used for commissary, 20% would go back into paying for future art supplies which would indirectly begin to instill the principle of self sufficiency essential for healthy living. Finally the remaining 50% would be given to either their Victims family or if no direct victim was involved then the cause of their choosing. This would be a valuable way to heal tragic events of the past, harmonize the human organism and teach the ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLE of serving others through Creative action.

We understand that this seems like a precarious proposition but but much like the prisoners who police each other to ensure they have Television privileges behind bars or the Harmony that always prevails in soup kitchens out of a greater and far more fundamental need for survival or entertainment these centers would soon be as sacred as any church. The author of this grant has attended soup kitchens and seen the resolution of conflict behind bars personally, and is very confident that once they experience the difference within their own state of being for having been afforded such an opportunity they will do everything in their power to protect and cherish it.  

As a natural bi product we will have begun the essential and difficult task of teaching those with nothing the principle of OWNERSHIP and MUTUAL AID.
The other key aspects of this arm of the alliance are listed below. The author of this grant is happy to provide further clarification of these essential supporting elements upon request

1. Correspondence Program
2. Mentor and apprenticeship programs
3. Transitional living
4. Intoxicant dependence services

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

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