Saturday, February 11, 2012




Building upon popular commercial/residential spaces such as Sunset and Vine and The Grove, We intend to apply this age old residential/retail formula in a much more synergistic fashion. Rather than building over priced condos or lofts above trendy corporate retail businesses, CCLA’s Vision is to convert vacant obsolete commercial structures into multiple use cultural arts complexes complete with individual and communal living spaces.

The prototypical space would be any abandoned commercial space zoned for both live and work with enough space to accommodate the following aspects illustrated in the floor plans below. The plans we have included are our personal renderings of the Mack Sennett Sound Stage in Los Angeles. The owner of this space and our collective have been in communication and he is willing to sell us this space for our purposes. This space could become a glimpse into the future. Much like our farmers market vendor ownership structure covered in the following section, it affords individuals the opportunity to collectively own their living space. Our Live Love L.A plan has been well thought out with the goal of addressing all of human needs essential for fruitful living under one collective roof.

Our mission is to convert closed down commercial spaces into affordable live/work creative spaces for people to connect to one another in a supportive environment that fosters community spirit, creative action, self sufficiency. The synergy of living with other creative people in an inspired environment doing what you love will foster prosperity as its natural bi product rather than its primary motivation.

Our goal is to usher in the new age by establishing structures where the creative spirit of man can be celebrated and appreciated. These structures would be motivated by love and truth and embody as well as transmit service, creative action and community.

our greatest strength would be in establishing a strong structure of shared motivation as well as a transparent unified mission. People, especially in Los Angeles have migrated from all corners of the world in search of fulfilling their “Dreams” and often times, as our own members can attest, this is a selfish quest with little room left to support anything else. We must address this constraint prior to moving forward with this space by defining the environmental variables with clear cut objectives and spiritual principles. Otherwise this “WE” oriented space would surely become susceptible to the more selfish “ME” oriented aspects of our nature. These self centered aspects of our being, as reflected in our own quest for validation, could jeopardize the collective objective of such a space and limit its individual member’s ability to affect the sort of true creative expression and intimacy essential to realize maximum effectiveness. This being said, we would require a commitment to ones own personal development prior to being eligible to become a “owner Resident” at Live Love L.A. This individual development would be afforded to any person who demonstrated the the willingness and ability to elevate their level of consciousness into the more “WE” oriented realm essential to maintain the collective harmony of the “mastermind” stated within our mission statement at the beginning of this section.

Live/ Work Options
Shared and private living spaces of all sizes and function would be built above the preexisting commercial space. The rent collected as well as the production, utilization and creative contribution of residents, guests and affiliates would:

The living spaces would connect into an open communal space. This vast space would feature shared living elements such as two person rooms and youth hostel dorms for our foreign travelers. It is important to have the youth hostile element so that people could visit from all around the globe and share ideas and of course take our concept back to their place of origin to use as they saw fit. It would also have a communal kitchen with adjacent dining area which would seat up to 50 people. There would be two conference/office rooms and a library/reference available for everyone.

The communal space would have access to a shared spacious patio on the side as a well as a canopied rooftop space in the back. The canopied rooftop space would be used for yoga, theater, dance, meetings, concerts and much more.

The retail portion of the original commercial structure on the ground floor would be converted into a wide open retail, gallery, showroom, concert, and performance space in the center with multipurpose rooms surrounding that could be used for meetings, classes, symposiums and more. This area surrounding the open space would resemble the gay and lesbian center on Mc Cadden Street in Hollywood while the open space in the middle would resemble Golden Bridge Yoga also located in Hollywood

The warehouse portion would be converted into professional creative spaces to be utilized by the residents and guests including design, garment construction, pattern maker, art studio, silk screen, ceramics, music rehearsal and recording, gym, daycare, multimedia, workshop, classrooms and much more.

The outside loading dock section would be converted into an urban garden, greenhouse and botanical classroom. The garden would harvest both summer and winter fruits and vegetables to be enjoyed by the residents and sold at the certified farmers market located on the front parking lot.

The parking lot would be utilized for several outdoor weekly gatherings including farmers market, artisan market, art and music showcases and antique and collectible shows.
Apartment Origins:

1641, "private rooms for the use of one person within a house," from Fr. appartement, from It. appartimento, lit. "a separated place," from appartere "to separate," from a "to" + parte "side, place" (see apart). Sense of "set of private rooms in a building entirely of these" (the U.S. equivalent of British flat) is first attested 1874.

Apartment: a space enclosed by partitions or walls emphasizing the idea of separateness or privacy: one's own apartment.

Office: A room assigned to a specific person or a group of persons in a commercial or industrial organization: Her office is next to mine.

Cubicle: Also A small recess or enclosed area in a library stack or office, designed for individual study or work.

Separation: The place at which a division or parting occurs.

Our architecture and habitual inclinations leading up to the present age has reflected our belief in and reinforcement of separation. Ironically, our places of worship have often been the most wide open communal spaces known to man. People come together to worship in vast cathedrals and retire back to the solitude of their single, sectioned off dwellings. The natural desire for human connection and communion has often been compromised by our inclination to A. Protect our own belief system by fearing contact with those who believed differently or B. Prevent others from projecting their beliefs onto us. The unifying principle beneath either line of reasoning is FEAR.

In this century man has built huge shopping malls that have served as shines to our conscious or unconscious worship of material goods. People would flock to these enclosed, sectioned off mega spaces to share in a synthesized communion of self. Here they could surround themselves with people thus sort of stimulating their desire for human connection while still focusing on their own needs of “Self”.

It could be argued that anything that brings us together is indeed a positive occurrence. If it has taken religion and materialism to get us connected on a global level then so be it. I am much more interested in what we do now that we are together than analyzing the process that has afforded this opportunity.

In the age of corporate bailouts and governmental intervention we have reached a point of diminishing returns in regards to the the current method of living and working.
Our own belief in limitation and lacking has manifested limitation and lack in the physical realm.

We have been creating this system with the part of our mind that is self centered and connected to beliefs grounded in fear. This is all an illusion. We have created it and we can transcend it as well. We cannot however transcend it with the same part of our being that created it. We can attempt to stop the bleeding of this current system or simply allow the beast of “self” driven by fear and all the principles it embodies to simply fade away. Attempting to fight our own progress out of selfish NEED to sustain our EXTERNAL sense of SELF will not HAPPEN. This is an inevitable conclusion of cause and effect.

The days of simply focusing on external differences rather than internal similarities must be seen for what it is. The days of reacting to self defeating beliefs about ourselves and our fellows must come to pass. How on earth could we possibly complete such a transition? We must allow creative action motivated by spiritual principles guide us to our next destination.
We must allow the creative powers of the universe to work through us and allow the wounds of fragmented consciousness to be healed. We must tap into the unlimited power of our being rather than the finite powers of “self” that can easily be driven by beliefs which are self defeating in nature.

The truth is that there is more than enough which is reflected in nature. We never run out of air and the earth will never take her last breath. Mother nature will never become disconnected from the powers that created her. She does reserve to right to dissolve anything that stands in the way of her ability to give and receive love. Not unlike the dinosaurs, humanities instincts driven by fear and lacking in knowledge of their true essence will continue to consume ourselves into oblivion. We share the viewpoint that the human organism is approaching a time of transformation or regeneration. This transformation is contingent on our ability to let go of outdated beliefs and the part of the mind that supports them.

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