Saturday, March 10, 2012



We have taken special care to make sure the information in this guidebook is easily understood by all who will read it. The material and concepts described in the following sections must be grasped firmly as FACTS of a SELF imposed condition that you, the reader, is faced with whether you are consciously aware of it or not. This being said, we have spared literary prose in hopes of conveying to you our own personal experience with self defeating beliefs and their harmful effects on our ability to meet our most fundamental needs.

We request that you become willing to lay your conception of who and what you are aside. We ask that you become WILLING to set aside everything you think you know and OPEN your MIND and HEART to the information we are about to share with you. 

The suggested plan of action outlined in this guide book may be quite  disorienting at first. You may experience feelings of hopelessness, anger, fear, bewilderment and loss. You may feel empty and experience huge emotional shifts. These are all normal responses to the work. You are not alone.

The effects of this work are dramatic and immediate. This book is a living guide designed to manifest powerful trans formative energies within you. These energies begin to operate on your behalf and literally reset your mind to a place of neutrality. We make no claims nor promises to the exact effects that you, as an individual, will realize as a result of the work. The only guarantee we make is that you will get out of it exactly what you put into it. This last statement rings true about life in general but in the work outlined for you here, it is the LAW. 

Our motivation behind the creation of this material was to develop a structured plan of action which would serve us in our deep seeded desire to meet our most fundamental needs for love, intimacy and creative expression. The first three steps of our suggested plan of action outlined in this book are designed to clear away all self imposed limitations that you, the participant, have placed upon your living experience as a human being.

This is the first of four working guidebooks. The purpose of each guidebook is specific and of equal importance. Right now we strongly urge you to remain focused solely on this book. Do not concern yourself with anything else. Do not rush through the work or trick yourself into thinking that this is something to be accomplished. The “GET IT DONE” mindset is of no value here.

You should also be aware of a prolonged procrastination to engaging this work. This is not procrastination but rather resistance which in this case equals DEATH. This resistance originates in your own mind, and specifically, in the exact belief system you support to your own detriment.

Just accept the FACT that there is a part of you, which you created unconsciously, which is the true cause of all pain and suffering you experience in your life. It is literally a glitch and it must be released in order to EVER really change your life and meet your most fundamental needs. We call this Glitch the BELIEF SELF and it could best be likened to your shadow self or the EGO. 

This BELIEF SELF is defective and built upon trauma, fear and false beliefs which are self defeating in nature. As you proceed through this first guide book you must have compassion for your belief self. It is very much like a hurt and wounded child. It was created in moments of traumatic interaction with others who were unconscious of their own self defeating character and beliefs. It is not who you are just like it was not who they were either. There is nothing to hide and nothing to feel guilt or shame over. these are TOTALLY USELESS feelings which will only hamper your progress. 

You will quickly learn that you are a power greater than this BELIEF SELF. This greater power lies within your own being. It is very practical and accessible. It does not understand GOOD or BAD. It is beyond the man made realms of RIGHT and WRONG. It is nothing more than a logical extension of the fundamental laws of love and truth. It is a power which will structure your thoughts into organized knowledge which will NOT fail to empower you in a very positive and life affirming way. 

This guidebook will very clearly begin to facilitate within you, a profound understanding of the true CAUSE of all negative effect in your life. This cause is not the external addictions you distract and control your emotional state with. It is not a person, place or thing. It is your BELIEF SELF built upon a self defeating belief system that it protects as if it were your only child.

This "child" you have created in your mind is not qualified to be your guide. It is actually very fearful and resentful of this role it was never supposed to fill. It will be very grateful to be relived of its duties as your unfit guide. As this BELIEF SELF and its beliefs are surrendered, Your self can reunify with your being and begin to harmonize your thoughts and actions. Out of this harmonious reunion will manifest a new character built upon the fundamental principles of love and truth rather than trauma and beliefs which are self defeating in nature. This is as practical as it could be. You only need to cultivate an open mind, willingness and honesty to begin. 

Finally, this is a one and done deal. Upon reunification, all distortions and inner confliction will be dissolved to the extent that you would have to set forth to re create a new BELIEF SELF unconsciously in order to suffer further effect. This being said, it is not something you work at your whole life. It is a correction sufficient to bring forth a permanent shift in consciousness. This character comprised of beliefs which are self defeating will cease to be. We do not have any intention of trying to limit its liability through the removal of its defects of character. We kill the snake by cutting off its head through the total surrender of this misguided glitch of BELIEF SELF.

It is a defect. It is the queen bee and all the defects are merely the queens bees which protect her. Trying to release this glitch through systematic destruction of its defects of character is like trying to kill that very same snake by working its way up to the head by slicing off tiny sections of its tail.... little by little. It would be like having the exterminator come to remove the hive and leaving the queen behind... Within a short period of time the hive would be as strong as ever and possibly even more cunning baffling and powerful than before.

It has been our personal experience that upon completing this work, you will have liberated yourself from the bondage of your BELIEF SELF You have a new relationship with your being within. You will have new vision and ability to navigate through life in ways you never thought were possible. You will know what is of real importance to you and what is merely a distraction. What you do upon completion of this course is totally up to you. This will only help those who have a willingness to help themselves NOW. This will ONLY serve those who are willing to serve others. It can only aid you in the discovery of your personal truth if you are willing to surrender what they believe to be true.

Much in the same manor that Bill W, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous or napoleon Hill, the author of the Law of Success were not medical professionals nor experts of psychology, neither is the author of this guidebook. He created this suggested plan of action in the laboratory of his own personal experience. The questions outlined in this guide book are the culmination of over 20 years of personal experience and practical application in his own life.

There have been millions among us who have applied the well known principles of recovery outlined in all traditional 12 step self help programs such as AA and NA as well as SLAA and OA. There are as many 12 step programs are there are glitches in the human condition of which we all perceive ourselves as suffering from. This guidebook is nothing more than a logical progression extending to the cause of all these conditions which we have discovered to be nothing more than the EFFECT of an all encompassing underlying issue.

As members of these 12 step programs already in practice will attest, they have recovered from their specific addiction or to be more accurate, they have sustained prolonged periods of abstinence from the most obvious and destructive manifestation of their underlying condition . Once this addictive condition in its most debilitating form has been arrested, those in recovery are afforded an opportunity to examine their underlying conflictions and distortions.

Many program members probe deep enough to address the true cause of their issues while others simply remain abstinent from their mechanism of choice. We think it is important to understand that physical abstinence from engaging in ones most blatant addiction is indeed a huge step for humanity that until the 1930's had little or no answer to this devastating condition.

To quote AA's Big Book, yes, “They have solved the drink problem” but what about the Think problem which we have found to be the chief catalyst for any and all self defeating behavior humans engage in? What drives us to seek external distraction and relief in the first place? What was our underlying emotional state of being like long before the first binge, drink, pill, roll of the dice or shopping spree?

What did we believe about ourselves and the world that we lived in? It is at this point that motivation plays a huge part in determining the outcome of our actions and this holds true for those who seek escape as well as those who are in recovery and focus on length of abstinence and material progress as their chief motivators.

This guidebook embodies positive elements of many successful programs and life affirming philosophies which are practically applied to a person’s core belief system. This process works deeper to challenge the false which has been accepted as truth and is working subconsciously, usually in a self defeating manor. Our intense approach carries the depth and weight that people long for. It gives anyone the much needed tools for success that they would never give themselves.

Our primary aim is to facilitate a permanent shift or correction followed by gradual growth through maintaining a conscious connection to our being, creative action and mutual aid.
Whenever we don’t feel worthy of a good life it is because we believe there is no love in the life we live. We can easily become lost and not find our way out of the reality that our fear driven belief system has unconsciously created.

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved

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