Saturday, March 10, 2012



A conditioned dependence to any psychological or physical mechanism in order to produce and control a desired emotional effect.


The agency or means by which an effect is produced or a purpose is accomplished.

Lacking healthy alternatives and practical tools to cope with the condition stated above, most of us suffering from the effects caused by our self defeating beliefs forgo our creative aspirations and intimacy with others which most always leads to living a life of increased self defeating actions in search of relief from our negative emotional state.

Obviously the negative emotional state created by living a life dominated by our self defeating beliefs can be quite painful. As a result, we often seek out relief or distraction through drugs, gambling, sex,, anorexia, food, co dependence, hoarding (ad infinitum) to gain relief from or control over our negative emotions and view of ourselves and our environment. Usually our “CONTOLLING” of our emotional state does not translate into feelings of joy or satisfaction. This controlled emotional state is usually negative and painful but this is not the goal. The goal is to have control over OUR EMOTIONS. We would rather control our own private little HELL than run the risk of allowing anyone outside of our self to control it for us.  

Over time and repetition of use, these external mechanisms, which at one time may have very well provided some sort of relief, later escalate into addictions and become the focus of our perceived troubles. Once this physical and mental obsession ensues we commit our limited energy and resources to sustain our dependence of these very same mechanisms that once provided relief.
Once this phase of addiction manifests we become stuck in instinct mode. We are almost totally disconnected from our own being which creates even greater fear and unwanted emotions. As the negative effects caused by lack of conscious contact to our own being escalate we engage in more and ever more drastic means of temporary relief. This is where many addicts take drugs just to feel normal. The high is gone. The misery remains and is made worse by all of the consequences which have piled on top of each other. These consequences have to be avoided at all costs. Our instinctively driven belief self convinces us to keep going and we become increasingly more extreme in our behavior. We begin to lie cheat and steal. We have unprotected sex even though we know we have sexually transmitted diseases.

Over time, we begin to neglect our more life affirming needs and negative consequences ensue. These consequences such as failed relationships, loss of responsibilities and financial instability become the focus, both to ourselves and those who love us. These consequences of active addiction become the ideal camouflage that our self defeating beliefs hide behind. These are all effects caused by our negative and self defeating beliefs within our own mind.

Men and woman of this lot usually die unfulfilled, never realizing nor sharing their creative genius. Humanity has lost more through this sort of loss than perhaps all the wars fought since the beginning of time. Just as the author of this suggested plan of action has had to walk through the most tragic of human concerns in order to report back to you, It would have been just as easy to succumb to his own fears and self defeating beliefs and die prematurely without ever sharing the incredible being trapped beneath the layers of sadness, pain and anger. 

We, speaking from experience, BELIEVE we do not deserve anything else and must be SHOWN that we are worthy.

The only part of our being that is really unworthy is that which was created out of pain and false belief. This most unnatural and unworthy creation is also the creation we most identify with. This is not because we are crazy or sick or broken. We have simply accepted beliefs about ourselves which make us feel like we are crazy, sick or broken.

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved

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