Sunday, March 18, 2012

Step Three – We surrendered instinctual control of our will and aligned it with the fundamental principles of our BEING

Step Three –

We surrendered instinctual control of our will and aligned it with the fundamental principles of our BEING

All human beings have a subjective will which we call SELF WILL. SELF WILL is neutral. It is not positive or negative, good or bad, right or wrong. We look at SELF WILL as an subjective creative instrument we use to affect cause.

As we have already covered in STEP TWO, All CAUSE has an EFFECT. All aspects of our personal human experience are directly effected by our own creative will. Our relationships, jobs, health, and possessions are all physical manifestations of our thoughts and actions.

Our thoughts and actions are the CAUSE and the life and relationships we experience are the EFFECT. This is an inescapable fundamental law of life force expression.

Most of us do not fully accept responsibility for our EFFECT because we are not CONSCIOUS of the FACT that we ourselves are the CAUSE. The days of blaming anything outside our selves for our own pain and misery are OVER. This is all our doing... The great news is that it can all be our undoing as well. What has been learned can be unlearned. What has been created can also be recreated. But this recreation requires us to become conscious in order to TRUE.

If we remain unconscious we will simply recreate the same pain and misery again and again. This is not the sort of recreation any of us desire. We find this sort of recreation to be nothing more than living our lives in unconscious resentment. The word resentment finds its root in the Latin word sentire which literally means "to feel.". In resentment we literally re-feel. In order to feel something from the past it must be recreated in the present.

By recreating we can relive our past traumas over and over. We relive these traumas through supporting our self defeating beliefs and resent what we have created unconsciously. This unconscious resentment is projected upon people, places and things that comprise our subjective human experience. We have attracted all these unwanted elements of our subjective human experience to us because they mirror the conditions which exist within our own mind.

In order to consciously create the life we desire we must be connected to that part of our mind which can sustain conscious creation. The rational mind is our bridge to conscious creative power just as our instinct mind is a bridge to unconscious creative power. Instinctual creative power is finite and reactive. It tends to project fear while the conscious creative power of our being transmits love. Let me make this even more clear for you. Unconscious creation is controlled by instincts and fear driven. Conscious creation is guided by being and transmits love.




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