Thursday, February 16, 2012



Greetings Mr & Mrs Gates:

We have deep appreciation of the fact that the temples you and your wife are in the process of building will be found within the hearts of a collective conscious thirsty for an opportunity to discover their true potential rather decaying upon plains of future ruin.

You have worked tirelessly to place yourself in position to give the gift of your choosing to a world that shall inherit your legacy. Nobody who has achieved a position in life such as you has done so without the aid of powerful forces operating on your behalf. You have had to shoulder much in order to afford yourself the opportunity to affect the sort of change that you hold DEAR TO YOUR HEART.

As a result of your life's work, you and your wife Melinda are of but a few people on this planet with the power at your disposal to affect the change that we, the meek that shall inherit this earth, could cherish with deep and endearing appreciation.

Rather than sit idle in satisfaction of your prior accomplishments, you understand there is still much work to be done and infinitely greater realms of power to be realized through organized effort and practical service.

With the simple plan of action outlined in this document we would like to demonstrate our worthiness to inherit the keys to the kingdom. Please use some of your power to aid us in our mission which we hold EQUALLY DEAR TO OUR OWN HEARTS.

After more than five years of HANDS ON experience in all aspects of our Alliances proposed plan of action, we stand ready and able to effectively actualize our platform on a broader scale where it might be of greater service to the human organism during this most important time of transition.

People need something to do that is constructive. People need to have their fundamental needs met in order to avoid more destructive unconscious creation in the future. People need to have their faith in themselves and their brothers restored. People need to heal the wounds of trauma and loneliness and transmute their most shameful secrets into sources of motivation to serve others in their own recovery. As you shall soon see, every aspect of our plan meets our most fundamental needs and so many more.

Finally, we feel that in order to effect the GREATEST change possible in the SHORTEST amount of time, which is of the ESSENCE, we, meaning our collective and people such as you and your wife, must creatively collaborate together. We bring valuable personal and practical experience to the table in regards to the issues addressed in our proposed plan of action. You provide equally valuable experience to implement this plan of action more effectively and efficiently than we could ever hope to accomplish. Together we can transcend our individual limitations into a vast and all encompassing viewpoint that is much more capable of transmitting LOVE and TRUTH.

At this stage in the game none of us are in a position to point fingers or blame anybody but ourselves and our beliefs for our present situation. We feel that much could be healed if you would also kindly share the same perspective moving forward. We are almost like two totally different types of humanoid who each bring something positive to the playing field of life. We are like carbon and silicon molecules that when combined harness the powers of the sun through solar energy and afford all the precious gift of ENERGY

We do NOT have to let history repeat itself. We, as a collective human organism are much further along in our development then to have to wait on disaster, Either NATURAL or MAN MADE, to bring us together. We can COME TOGETHER NOW. We offer our well thought out plan of action as a sort of cosmic sized social experiment. We have nothing to lose and ALL to gain through merging our mental and physical resources in an organized effort of mutual aid and brotherly love.

By now you can already begin to feel our motivation behind the creation of this plan and perhaps you YOURSELVES feel that very same LOVE AND TRUTH coursing its way through your heart and soul. This being said, the author of this proposed plan of action who is a well schooled student of his own self imposed beliefs asks you a very simple question:

Will you expend your resources trying to stop the bleeding or have the moral courage to take the surgeons scalpel and cut deep enough into the human organism to correct the cause at its source?

Because you have the POWER and we have the DESIRE and ENTHUSIASM. Lets harmonize our individual motivations into a collective MASTERMIND and take care of this beast of human confliction once and for ALL.

Sincerely Yours,

The Creative Collective Alliance

Copyright 2012 retrocollective Publishing Group. All Rights Reserved

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