The first letter should be to your subconscious mind formally releasing yourself from its unconscious care and instinctual protection. Please note that you are not asking for this but rather demanding that this happen. The letter to the subconscious or instinct mind must be firm. You are giving it commands and at the same time implanting your new intentions. This is how this mind operates. Its like DOS in a computer program or a horse your training. You must be firm to set this command or intention into action. It will obey and submit to the being if you tell it to.
The second letter is a formal acknowledgment that you would like to form a relationship with your being within and become guided by its fundamental principles of love and truth. In becoming conscious of your life and the limitations you have unconsciously placed upon it and yourself it is important that you make a formal introduction to your being and ask that it work through you as its instrument of conscious creation. in communicating with your being you must speak to it with love and compassion. It only acknowledges LOVE. It does not understand submission or control. It is a loving guide that is happy to help us in meeting our most cherished needs for love, intimacy and creative expression. If you ask you will receive for love can only transmit or receive.
Here are my letters:
I acknowledge that I have unconsciously created limitations and conditions in the form of self defeating beliefs within my mind over the course of my life. I demand that my subconscious mind cease, at once, any and all identification with these unconscious creations as well as its powerful emotional attachments to them. I thank my instinct mind for its service in protecting what I had unconsciously created. I acknowledge that THIS IS NOT who I am and there is nothing to fear nor protect moving forward. They do not exist except within my own mind and any further attempts to protect, in any way, that which limits my ability to remain consciously connected to my own being are not welcome nor desired. I invite my being and demand my subconscious mind to harmonize their individual motivations and work together in a spirit of organized effort and mutual aid. I formally surrender all support of my self defeating beliefs and subconscious limitations at once and place myself FIRMLY in the care of my being and its fundamental principles of love and truth from this point forward.
I am formally writing this letter to acknowledge your presence within me. I have surrendered AT ONCE what I have unconsciously created as well as my powerful emotional attachments to them. I have surrender my unconscious CONCEPTION of self, others and life that I have supported over the course of my life and place them ALL in your care. I surrender all that I THINK I know about myself, life, others and especially you in this moment so that I may have a NEW EXPERIENCE with them all. Please aid me in the reconciliation of all unconscious attachments which I still possess that hamper my ability to consciously love and create. It is my DESIRE to become have a totally new experience as your instrument of conscious creative expression. I ask that you become my loving guide and the primary motivation behind all my thoughts and actions. Please afford me a conscious connection to the ultimate powers of love and truth and creatively collaborate with me as your WILLING and LOVING instrument of life force expression. Please GUIDE me in fulfilling my most fundamental needs for intimacy, love, safety, comfort and creative expression.
I surrender to you being, my self defeating beliefs and all the manifestations of those beliefs. I surrender to you being, all my attachments, all my ideas about what I can and can not do, knowing and trusting that all you know is love and unbound possibility. I surrender to you being, my view of myself and of the world, realizing it is all an illusion I created out of fear. I surrender being, open and willing to see the world through your eyes. Eyes of love, forgiveness, compassion, and unlimited hope. I surrender to you being, my fears, my past hurts and limitations. With you, all things are possible. With you, I am reborn, free to make new and create myself and my world again. I surrender to you being..this day, my beliefs, my view. Create with me. Come forth inside me and lead the way. Today, this moment, I choose to love through you. Love, work, rest, and play through you.

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