Friday, March 23, 2012


Can we, as individually wrapped pieces of this cosmic sized puzzle of consciousness harmonize our individual motivations with these creative powers much greater our own? Or will we remain at odds with this energy that is working on our behalf. This creative power that governs the expression of life force and creative evolution are embodied in the fundamental principles of our being. They are the laws or forces at work beneath this very artificial device we call civilization.

We have built our cities out of natures resources. We have harnessed our own creative powers in harmony with these materials of nature and constructed our modern world. All of these “MATERIALS” of which our structures are comprised are also ruled by the fundamental principles of life force expression. We have no control over life force and how it decides to shape and mold our physical world to better suit its desire to express itself.

At the moment this creative power is not being expressed through us very adequately. We have become inadequate vehicles of life force expression. We were born to express and create. When we align our will with the creative hand of our being, beautiful miracles take place. This cannot be emphasized enough. We have experienced it in our own life. Our members have aligned themselves with this creative power and it's sheer power and love has transformed our lives in ways that words cannot express. You have to accept the fact that the being within you is that very same power. It is love and has the means at its disposal to take all your pain and guilt and turn it into an internal goldmine of peace and joy.

This is inner alchemy.

Its practical and it does not require a down payment. There are no credit check and the feeling it produces within us is unmatched by all the wealth and material validation our that currently strangles our culture in slow suicide.

We drive ourselves into the grave trying to reproduce the feeling we lost long ago. This feeling is nothing more than safety and comfort within our own skin. It is creative expression which is free of fear or self doubt. It is brotherly love akin to tears. It is the power of your being and it dwells within you right now, as it always has. You need only surrender your illusions and it will let its presence be felt. It will use you in ways that will invoke your very own tears of joy. The world will seem new, fresh and unmolested. This is not a sales pitch or a golden carrot which looms in the distant future in exchange for misery NOW. It will never demand your obedience for eternal bliss at the end of a tortured life long grind ending in heartbreak.

Just as skid row is a state of mind long before it ever becomes a physical location, heaven is on earth and is deep within your being and it has waited patiently for you to come home. These fundamental principles of our being work as best they could within the confines of this existence we have trapped ourselves inside of.

Lifetimes have passed us by without rhyme or reason. In our hindsight we have witnessed the man made change of our BELIEF SELF'S own seasons. There has been a slow incubation and steady demise of a conscious contact with a power greater than ourselves which is evident in the social structure that we currently endure.

If we were to include love and truth in our creation then it would feel totally different. Our world has manifested as a direct result of our fear driven actions that are self-serving in nature. The unnatural has become a reactionary reflex of instinct mind and all that it embodies. This reality that we have built is not the end result of a collective consciousness that is connected to the love and truth of our being within.

We have the ability to hide true happiness from ourselves. We tell ourselves lies while attempting to convince ourselves that we are not liars. and look at this world that our unconscious minds have created without the loving guidance of our being within. This is our empire of nothing.

It is easy to keep our belief self insulated inside a material womb while attempting to convince ourselves that this womb is a suitable substitution to true love. We have lived in extreme denial and become addicted to fear and pain that we ourselves create. We obsess over things that will feed our belief self because as long as it is fed then it knows that we won’t have any time left to connect to our being.

So why is it that everything tangible always has the potential to leave us feeling empty on the inside? Will there ever be enough of “stuff” to make us feel complete? The tangibility of the material realm often maintains our perception of the love and truth being completely intangible.

The material realm will keep us busy and distracted but will it ever give us peace? Our physical and material obsessions are a direct reflection of our disconnection from the love and truth of our being within. We have run from its love and truth as fast we could. On our own self-imposed mental treadmill we have been chased by our belief self and its incessant demands. Our instinct mind pushes us along at a blistering pace just so we do not have time to remember who we actually are. We are created out of truth and love. Truth and love is literally within our own being but we remain too self obsessed to see it.

So the time has finally arrived. we have pushed the limits of this emperor inside our minds. We have slaved through the centuries and traumatized each other into a coma of consciousness which only has one way out. The only way to emancipate yourself from this wrought iron cage of unconsciousness is to surrender. To trade in this vehicle of destruction for your very own instrument of love and truth. The cage is a beast of fragmentation created with your own mind. YOU obey the master YOU have made. Have you had enough? Will you waste yet another lifetime trying to prove your self defeating beliefs right? Or will you take the key of conscious love and truth embodied within your being and set yourself free? The choice, in this moment, as in all others since the beginning of time is yours. Only you can turn the key and only with the help of your being within, a power greater than all that you have created in its absence.



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