Saturday, March 10, 2012



So, What is a self defeating belief? First off, let us define the word BELIEF which is a mental attitude of acceptance toward a SUGGESTION without full intellectual knowledge required to guarantee its truth.

Within the definition of BELIEF the word SUGGESTION is the key to understanding the full scope of a self defeating belief and its all encompassing effect. Suggestion has two different, equally effective modes of transmission.

SUGGESTION is defined as the process whereby the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive individual leads to the acceptance of that idea.

AUTOSUGGESTION is the process of suggestion in which AN INDIVIDUAL consciously or unconsciously attempts to supply the means of influencing his OWN behavior and beliefs.

In other words, we are influenced by the suggestions of others as well as the suggestions we tell ourselves. Any and all ideas find lodgment in the human mind only after much repetition. Over time and repetition, either type of suggestion WILL formulate fixed ideas we BELIEVE to be true. We have discovered through our own experience that the dominating thoughts of our mind eventually reproduce themselves in outward physical action and verbal communication, and transform themselves into physical reality. Our thoughts create our reality, our beliefs limit our perceived abilities and our fears project our thoughts and beliefs deep into the minds of all we come in contact with. 


A Self Defeating Belief is a SELF accepted identification to any negative SUGGESTION which limits and conditions our BEINGS ability to receive and transmit love and truth. 
What is a self defeating belief? How does a self defeating belief effect us? Does a self defeating belief have the POWER to limit our range of experiences? Well, lets take a look at LACKING which is a widely supported self defeating belief.

Lack is defined as deficiency or absence of something needed. If there is a fundamental belief in a deficiency or absence of something NEEDED which permeates the human organism then we will think this FALSE BELIEF into existence.

On a global level, this belief in lacking would not exist if we did not support it with our minds. If we all support a fundamental belief that WE as individuals are LACKING or missing something "Necessary" then we will rape our planet and each other in pursuit of its validation. 

None of us BELIEVE we have enough of what we need. But what is it that is truly needed? In order to HONESTLY answer this question we have to first discover what is missing. 

If we already KNEW we were enough and also KNEW there was ENOUGH then we would simply BE. If we believe WE are not enough and that THERE is not enough then we will NEED something outside ourselves to be complete. 
In the United States the PURSUIT of happiness is a far cry for its actual attainment. Amidst our societies fear driven obsession to CHASE WHAT MATTERS, the founding members of this program have found that what truly matters, the SAFETY and COMFORT of our own BEING, which cannot be reproduced by the wheels of industry nor obscured by the machines of war.
We have innate creative faculties which must find adequate outlets for expression for the necessary nourishment of our creative nature. Without positive ways in which to express these energies we will continue to create world wars and diseases which turn the wheels of of industry but for the benefit of who? 


We have discovered that the only thing we are truly lacking is LOVE. The concept of LOVE, much like GOD, has been distorted and molested by our fear driven state of mind. 
There are many beliefs we my have about ourselves that limit our power to achieve the sort of life that really matters to us. Every belief we maintain is another limiting condition we have placed on our human experience.
Lets take a look at LOVE. We have all heard the expression "Unconditional Love" before but what exactly is unconditional love? To understand we must first define the word CONDITION.
A Condition is a restricting, limiting or modifying circumstance. Therefore unconditional simply means not limited by restricting, limiting or modifying circumstances.

Any belief that we uphold in our mind is in FACT a condition we have placed upon our ability to love. If we BELIEVE we are not worthy of love we must ask ourselves why this is so? Is it LOVE or is it our BELIEF that we are unworthy that has placed limitation and restriction on our experience?

For now we pose one question to the reader: Are you aligned with your "BEING" which transmits love or your " BELIEF SELF" which places CONDITIONS on love by upholding ITS OWN DEFEATING BELIEF that it is unworthy? 
As instruments of creation, we can either transmit love or project fear. Creation in and of itself is beyond the man made realms of GOOD and BAD. Creation, we have learned through our own experience, finds its mode of expression along either conscious or unconscious lines. It is what we believe about ourselves, people and the external environment that determines this state of mind.

The GOOD COP/BAD COP scenario is playing out within the confines of our own mind. We have the devil sitting on one shoulder as an example of BAD and Jesus sitting on the other as an example of GOOD.

It is in the misapplication of ones subjective knowledge that ANY and ALL suffering takes place. If the countless others did not resolve to prove or disprove their BELIEF in WHATEVER then hundreds of millions more lives would have died a natural death. 

In the end, of what value is a life lived under the artificial Vail of right and wrong? What power does anyone have who subscribes to this line of reasoning truly have at their disposal? Is this fear driven waste of life force expression not the very foundation of every life that comes to a sad and familiar end? What value did this fruitless support of a BELIEF in good and bad bear in lives of those who have died before us? Will we just follow in their DISTORTED and conflicted footsteps? 

Do we really believe that we not capable of doing anything else? 

Can you as an INDIVIDUAL rise above the murky quicksand of YOUR own beliefs and help others who are willing to do the same? Or will you expend you precious gift of life trying to change the minds of those too invested in their own beliefs and obstinately remain too blind to see? 

Avoid at all costs BECOMING or REMAINING the sort of individual that forces their own confusion on others. This is MISERY of THE HIGHEST ORDER. 

Will you wait for the consent of your fellow prisoners to HONOR your deep and fundamental NEED? Or will YOU emancipate YOUR SELF from the strangle hold of their deceased dream? 

Do you have the courage and love of what and who YOU TRULY are to BURN ALL YOUR BRIDGES and honor your most private and fragile dreams and bring them to fruition? 

Do not TURN this desire that holds the key fulfillment into an imaginary villain you avoid to spare the life of your creation who keeps you locked away in a cell of your own making.

Don't let this most precious seed of desire fall prey to your learned DOUBTS AND FEARS. 

Your desire and faith will get you over the rim of resistance learned by those who came before you. 

Continuing to harbor their insane dream is A FORCE sure to pull you under... Like the crabs in a barrel.... to certain death-- 
As has been our own discovery, there is nothing more dangerous than a MAN who believes his own deceptions of SELF and proceeds to build his life upon them as if they were the truth.

Any power that is built upon FEAR is bound to crumble and disintegrate. Understand this great truth and you will never be so unfortunate as to try to raise yourself to power through the FEARS of other people who may owe you temporary allegiance.
-Napoleon Hill

Now that we have shared some basic technical information with you to illustrate what a self defeating belief is and how it manifests, lets take a look at some common self defeating beliefs we have identified within ourselves. Hopefully you Will be able to relate to our own self defeating beliefs and begin to identify your own. We all have them and it is nothing to feel shameful or guilty about.


I am damaged
I am not enough
I am too much
I am not worthy of love
I don't deserve anything better than this
I can't satisfy my lover
I can't do anything
I'm too good for this
I am BAD 
I am stupid
Everyone abandons me
There is something wrong with me
If I get too close they will see the real me and leave
Ill never amount to anything
I will always be a loser 
I can't trust anyone 
Everybody lets me down

We can only share our own self defeating beliefs which we listed above. We only wish to assist you in beginning to relate our experience to your own. Once you see that we have the same problem then you will be more open to our solution. We all share the same wound and it is through this wound that we can begin to relate. As we become more conscious and connected to the love and truth of our own beings we will be able to relate in more positive and life affirming ways as well.
The next section of our guide book gives you a new concept of addiction. As you may begin to have already seen, we are really addicted to supporting and validating whatever we believe about ourselves and the world we are a part of.

These beliefs create limitations which limit our ability to express love and truth. This necessary nourishment of our fundamental needs for love, intimacy and creative expression have not been met.

We have been too busy trying to satisfy the perceived needs of our belief self. These sort of needs become of little importance once we begin to meet our primary needs stated above. Lack of love and of real power creates fear and negative emotional states that we become unable or unwilling to deal with.

This being said we all seek out relief in the form of addictions to any number of external mechanisms to gain short term relief.
Television, sex, food, drugs, gambling, work, anorexia, shopping and co dependence are just a few obvious external mechanisms which we use to feel “better”. This is a means of trying to produce or control a desired emotional effect. Here is our definition of addiction and mechanism which you may find helpful. 

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved

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