Saturday, February 11, 2012




The Black Butterfly Project offers emotional, mental and practical support to artists of all medium who have recently been released from institutions such as Jail, Prison, rehab and more. Who We Help: We help the Tortured Artist recently released from institutions such as rehab, mental wards and prisons who is almost always a survivor of childhood trauma. They are creators of all mediums who seldom realize their creative potential without constructive outlets and structured positive support for the NECESSARY NOURISHMENT OF MANS CREATIVE NATURE.

These negative manifestations are always symptomatic of our true cause of death... A BROKEN HEART. Being so connected and aware, we often feel the negative aspects of our environment much more intensely than most. In an attempt to protect our extremely sensitive nature we ingest intoxicants that shift our already distorted perception of ourselves and our reality into dangerously negative realms of pain and self destruction. These substances we ingest provide filters and allow us to take creative control in building a new world of illusion safe within the confines of our minds. Of course all mind altering substances are habit forming and expensive thus the criminal element always rears its ugly head.

Before you know it, as the author of this grant has first hand experience, they commit crimes to supporting their new found addiction and their tour of correctional institutions begins. This addiction is not so much to the substance (EFFECT) but to the control they have over their negative emotions resulting once again from their SELF DEFEATING BELIEF SYSTEM from unresolved TRAUMA. This is a vicious cycle that often becomes a life long struggle which is never recovered from.

THESE PEOPLE MUST UNDERSTAND that they are not bad and have done nothing wrong. A person is bad only if they believe they are bad. All beliefs are learned and can be unlearned. They are not the abuser but do harbor the abuseinside their mind. It is the goal of this specific arm of the alliance to Break this cycle before it is passed on to the generations to come. Our remedy is simple and once again it involves affording those who are willing and open to helping themselves the opportunity to empower themselves creatively, financially, emotionally and spiritually through the practical application of spiritual principles, practical service and creative action.

The Black Butterfly Project shall provide clothing and personal hygiene solutions as well as facilitate employment in order to increase ones basic self esteem. Internet access and prepaid cell phones will also be available to aid establishing support networks.

We will provide short and long term housing solutions via structured, residential and cooperative living solutions outlined in the Lotus Flower and Live Love LA portions of this grant proposal which will be outlined in the sections to come.
Food assistance programs and vouchers for fresh fruits and vegetables to be worked into our Farmers and Artisan Market Arm of Our Alliance covered in the pages to come. The BBP would also offer medical and shelter assistance for participants in order to render the BASIC SUPPORT which must be addressed before they could even contemplate higher aspirations such as education and creative collaboration.

The basic structure of The Black Butterfly Project builds upon and utilizes the foundation of services offered through ART BRUT. The level to which we can assist those who participate in the Black Butterfly Project depends upon their own level of commitment to their own progress. Lets make it absolutely clear that we are not here to Enable those we serve but rather to empower them to help themselves. The widely accepted practice of warehousing or displacing people as evident in the mental health sectors today will never be practiced because it does nothing to aid in ones accent out of apathy and hopelessness. People need evidence to the contrary of what they have accepted to be their fate. This “Fate” is often nothing more than a culmination of all self defeating beliefs one possesses and as you and I both know more than most, nothing dissolves these self destructive beliefs more than a taste of success and hope.

The long range services offered by the Black Butterfly Project would be a blend of services offered by foundations already in operation such as “Homeboy Industries” which bakes and sells breads at farmers markets through out Los Angeles and “Out Of The Closet” or “Goodwill Industries” with their line of second hand stores. Our motivation with all aspects of this plan of is Mutual Aid and Personal Self Sufficiency. We offer any individual the tools to expand their consciousness, dissolve their self defeating beliefs and engage their creative aspirations. Nothing that we set into motion will be done so unless it serves all whom it affects,

This is the perfect introduction into the next and complementary Arm of our Alliance which is the first element to incorporate collective living in a short, medium and long term residential method. The Lotus Flower is a creative boot camp and self defeating belief system rehab in one. Lets take a closer look at the lotus Flower....

Copyright 2012 Retrocollective Publishing Group All Rights Reserved

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